Who is your least favorite villager on your island?

I love all the villagers on my island but I think my least favorite is maybe Cephalobot.. I love the robot villagers but IDK, he just seems the least exciting to me! I kinda wish they had made him a different color, like how Sprocket is green.. What if Cephalobot was blue-ish?
Its Rodney. Yeah....I can see why people don't like him. He just won't leave. He showed up to my home 3 times this week.
Update: I kicked Rodney out using Molly's Amiibo card. I told myself not to use amiibo cards but man Rodney pushed me on the brink of insanity because he would not leave me alone so I caved in and forced him out with Molly's amiibo. I felt so much better.
Update: I kicked Rodney out using Molly's Amiibo card. I told myself not to use amiibo cards but man Rodney pushed me on the brink of insanity because he would not leave me alone so I caved in and forced him out with Molly's amiibo. I felt so much better.
if you’re referring to him barging in on you… then geez… it boggles my mind that there was never a DND thing implemented. These surprise visits aren’t always a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. Getting a surprise visit from my favorite villager can be enough to make my day! However, sometimes we just want some peace to do our business without getting interrupted. (goes for both NL and NH)
I don't dislike any of my island's villagers since they were all purposefully chosen to be residents.

That said, if I had to choose a least favorite among the bunch, probably either Annalisa or Cephalobot. Annalisa because I've been trying to decide for some time whether to replace her with Savannah as my Normal villager. Cephalobot because, while I love the robot villagers and want to have a robot villager on the island (I already have the others in a town in New Leaf), I already have another Smug on the island with Klaus and I feel that the Smug personality took a big step down from New Leaf so it's kind of a lot to ask to have two of them on one island.
if you’re referring to him barging in on you… then geez… it boggles my mind that there was never a DND thing implemented. These surprise visits aren’t always a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. Getting a surprise visit from my favorite villager can be enough to make my day! However, sometimes we just want some peace to do our business without getting interrupted. (goes for both NL and NH)
It always seems to happen when you have villagers with a high friendship and they just stalk you like a die hard fan who is obsessed with you. I agree if they had a DND feature this would've not been so annoying. At least with villagers with low friendship they would not do this but if you have them at high friendship they seem to turn into like stalkers and thats really troubling.
It always seems to happen when you have villagers with a high friendship and they just stalk you like a die hard fan who is obsessed with you. I agree if they had a DND feature this would've not been so annoying. At least with villagers with low friendship they would not do this but if you have them at high friendship they seem to turn into like stalkers and thats really troubling.
I’ve heard stories about New Leaf. Some people throw their 3DS at the wall because of it and some quit without saving.

even though these barge-ins can happen at really atrocious times, I would never throw my 3DS or quit without saving because of it. I would just have to deal with it again when I opened up my game the next time. Quitting without saving should be for situation you want undone, or for getting out of certain predicaments and dilemmas. Don’t worry. I’m not hating on these people, I’m just saying how bad it can get for some of them. O____o

Thankfully, these only seems to be happening weekly for me in New Horizons and I am not quite far enough for them to happen in new leaf yet (but weekly there as well). like I said, these can be fun when they happen at the right times, but there are times where I’m decorating my house and managing my storage, that’s when it sucks to get barged in on for me. O___o
I booted Colton and then ended up letting Maggie go to get Savannah. I thought she was cute in the campsite, but it’s taking her a while to grow on me. I think I just regret getting rid of Maggie!
Aww, I couldn't pick a least favourite villager out of all the villagers, let alone the villagers from my island. They're all sweet in their own ways. ❤️ The current villagers on my island are Agnes, Louie, Norma, Rhonda, Goldie, Patty, Megan, Teddy, Gayle and Pinky. Of those, the only villagers I might be willing to let leave if they asked are Norma, Rhonda, and Goldie, though I don't have any ideas of who might replace them.
None lol. I have all the amiibo cards so I just kick off whoever I don't like or get bored of. It feels good to finally have that control lol.
I’ll probably get a lot of hate for this but honestly probably Ione. I just don’t like her designs 😬
I don't necessarily dislike any of my villagers, but. The smug personality type can get grating, so I guess Kidd. :p
As of right now, probably Tex. I keep trying to kick him out but he refuses to leave lol i’ll get him off one day…
I like everyone on my island a lot! Currently I have Antonio, Bubbles, Huck, Stu, Azalea, Benedict, Yuka, Stella, Ione, and Limberg.

If I had to let someone leave, it would probably be Ione. I know she's the most popular from my list (and I do think she's absolutely adorable), but I don't think I've bonded with her quite as much as the others. I'd be excited to see a dog move in, as I love dogs and have always had one in my AC towns up until the last several months of Anthology.