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Who just plays the games normally?


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2012
Sautéed Mushrooms
Peach (Fruit)
Oh, stop it, you guys. You're making me look inexperienced and old with these new terms like "cycling". Come on, I can't be the only one who's so obsessed that they have to make new towns to get stuff done, right? I just play the game as is. Since GameCube.

I can't be the only one who doesn't do all these crazy things to get my town all cool and get things done, right? I think it's too much stress and work to add to the game. I just enjoy what I have. How about you guys? Anyone else an inexperienced geezer who just plays the games normally?
I do admit to time traveling a little bit, but only by a few hours so that I can go to shops before they close. After that's done, I turn the time back to normal.
I do time travel, just to shoo some villagers out but that is all past. Now I am enjoying my game slow and cool =)
I don't time travel or care about dreamies and that but I did spend a fair amount of time designing my own patterns to make a path.

That's about the craziest I got up to. Haven't even fully upgraded the house yet. Everyone gets so obsessed with having the best of the best in the game that they forfeit some of the things they like. Fully upgraded house just looks terrible to me.

Spent a week in the tent as well just because it's so cozy in there.
I have TTed before to get my game back on the correct date though. I pause my game by remembering the last in game day I saved and played.(when take long breaks from game) I do that mainly because if I lost a villager I cared about I'd just stop playing for awhile.

For the most part I play normally on my main though. I don't TT and I really don't have a dreamie list except for Bob. I used to obsess over who moved to Zombie but I now just accept that they are there and be friends with them. It just makes Ac stressful, which is not what Ac is about.
I don't care how I/you/anyone play(s) the darn game as long as you have fun and don't kill anybody in the process. Let's not put restrictions on others and make them feel bad for doing what they would like to do in a game they used their own money to pay for, alright?

I personally think top tier neighbors and cycling are pretty stupid and the whole idea of making Animal Crossing competitive hilarious, but that's my opinion and I won't try to make it a fact that the way I personally enjoy my games is the best and most normal. Besides, "top tier" neighbors = millions of cash without even trying very hard, which is always a good thing to me!

Sorry if I seem tart but what would we gain from stressing others out on something they enjoy?
What do you mean by "play the game normally"?
The only way I'd categorize playing the game abnormally is cheating/glitching/duping/hacking etc. I don't understand how you consider getting the villagers that you desire abnormal.

Besides, what is normal?
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(To be honest, if I had the choice to either work hard for bells or duplicate them, I would duplicate them.)

*cough* Sorry if that above message comes across as off topic.
Yeahp. Everything from tt to trading on Retail is normal.

The VTP board though.. well
I don't time travel, search for dreamies, cycle, etc. It just seems too much of a hassle. I like playing it as it comes. I have paths and that, but I don't go to extreme lengths to make my town hot. I see posts about plotting and I don't really understand it. As long as Nibbles doesn't leave, I'm fine with villagers.
I like to time travel because I am impatient haha but I don't skip any days. I try not to go overboard with time traveling like say...be weeks or months off of what the actual date is. My boyfriend however, plays in real time/date. He doesn't time travel.
I tend to TT because I easily get bored and there's only so much talking you can do to your villagers before they tell you to leave them alone, LOL.
I do Time Travel. Mostly if I stop playing for a few days, I go to the day after that day and pick up where I left off.
Only recently have I started giving away and auctioning villagers, mainly so other people can be happy :) I don't really have a dream list.
I used to time travel in City Folk, but grew out of it when I started to lose interest in the game. I own Population Growing and New Leaf and have never time traveled in either, so I guess I count as playing normally?
I find it quite annoying that there are people who disrespect others who just want to make their own experience better and play the game how they want. I personally do Time travel, and the reason I do it is because I enjoy it. If I feel like going through effort to get my favorites, I will.

Alot of you may argue that TTing makes AC stressful, but that's an individual thing. I personally was having alot more stress without TTing and I stress more over a favorite pinging when not TTing. I feel more safe when I know that I'm trying to trigger pings and am looking for them. I almost peed my pants of fear when a villager told that Tabby was thinking of leaving on St. Patricks day. No matter how much I tried she would not ping me on that day. Useless events <-<

Since I've acquired all of my dreamies I really don't TT much on my main, which leaves me extremely stressed and paranoid about any one of them leaving.

Everybody who acts like people who don't TT are ''superior'' or are having a ''superior experience'' can go **** themselves.
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I consider myself to be a casual player. I don't participate in the "villager black market", I don't want to landscape and time travel to get the perfect dream town, I don't time-travel, or dupe (mostly because I'd never get it right) and I guess, kind of play by my own rules.

I have goals like wanting to expand my house to the fullest, or get certain PWPs, or to save enough to get myself my own ABD in my house. I guess what "normal" is to me, is not to stress over the game too much. To me, Animal Crossing is a great way to just relax and de-stress. I got super upset today about some comments my Dad made about me, and played some ACNL. It made me feel loads better, and I think that's what Animal Crossing is to me.

But that doesn't mean that I don't love to read guides or get a lot of information about the game! But I don't see myself ever putting that kind of level into my town that some people do - although I respect their decisions. Plus, their towns always look super cool afterwards :D
I couldn't have put it better, tiffc. :)

If "playing normally" means playing without manipulating the game at any point and without exceptions, then I have to say that I don't play normally. I'm guilty of resetting! I don't time travel*, I don't dupe, but I reset whenever I feel it's necessary. :D

To me there is no point in judging others for their playstyle as long as they don't use it to rip others off. Apart from that I don't care at all because I'm doing my thing and so does everybody else. Isn't that one of the great things about Animal Crossing? You can do whatever you like and nobody gets harmed. I'm actually glad that people TT because that's the only way for me to participate in events from other countries and stuff. :)

* The last time I did that was on the GameCube and it kind of spoiled the fun for me.
Now I'm too afraid of it. But I'd do it if I had a cycling town. ^^
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