Who plays their Wii everyday?

JJRamone2 said:
Bulerias said:
JJRamone2 said:
I usually go months between usage. In all honesty its the worst system I've ever used. I'm not even flame-baiting. I really do believe the Wii sucks.
Okay... and... what games have you played on it?
Zelda, which I hated, Resident Evil 4, which I loved, but it's a GCN game so it doesn't really count, Rayman, which was okay, Elebits which I didn't bother playing after a day, WarioWare, which was fun until I beat it...which took about 2 hours, Red Steel, which was decent, but nothing compared to Bioshock (I'm comparing it to Bioshock, not because it had any of the qualities Bioshock had, but because they are both SinglePlayer FPSs), I haven't tried MP3, and I don't plan to because I hate the Prime games.

So almost every Wiigame, as Yahtzee put it, is a cavalcade of mediocrity.

I can't say, though, that I'm not interested in Galaxy, but Brawl is looking more and more disappointing by the announcement.
I can't help but disagree :gyroidveryhappy: