Who remembers the Animal Crossing Movie fandub by Batwing231/Shift?

I remember it. I remember it well. It was actually really reeeeeaaaaalllyyyy good. Especially for a fandub.
Haven't heard of it until now! Sounds pretty good, sad that it never got finished.

It's a shame this fandub never got finished. All the voices were spot on.

But there is a new Animal Crossing the movie fandub on the way. It looks very promising https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZtBTO_zYNQ

Their site says that it's 98% done with production in making it, YESSS!!
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It's a shame that fandub is gone, but there's another one going on and it's really good.

Can't wait to see how it all turned out, since it's almost done.