Who stole my trees?


Apr 7, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Yellow Pansy
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Orange (Fruit)
After visiting a friends town at like 1 AM in the morning,I went back to my town only to find that i suddenly have these HUGE vacant areas.That's right.More than one area.I know my town well.I constantly grew fruit trees since day one.I have many trees.But now a lot are gone.Why...
Did you have any visitors over? Maybe someone chopped the trees down. :c
Blame Tom Nook.
He cut down the trees to get the wood to upgrade your house.
It's a black market conspiracy.
/jk jk x3
Someone had to have done it.
That sucks though.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Is it possible someone played your game and did it while you weren't looking?
Then when you went in your game, you didn't notice they were gone until you came back from visiting someone else's town?
I promise you i never opened my gate since I got the game.I visited towns though.And my DS was left at home.Everyone in my house out working and going to school.
Well it had to be either someone got onto your 3DS or you let someone over

No other possibility
If you're a time traveler, perhaps these vacant areas are simply what's left of a neighbor who has since moved? Only other explanation.
If you're a time traveler, perhaps these vacant areas are simply what's left of a neighbor who has since moved? Only other explanation.

Villagers leave a dirt patch when they leave.

Did you put a PWP there and before it was built, cancel the donations? The project I put in and cancelled the donations is now gone today and the grass is still there, but all the trees that needed to be removed are gone.