Giveaway Who wants Diana?

I felt like I just did something terrible to Novi :<
Oh well,I am getting my Diana.
that's really nice and all but unfortunately I'm not looking for any of them.
the only ones I want are in my signature. Thank you anyway!
She said it was too late or something . I didn't read fast enough . Did you have someone else talk to her?
I don't understand . She said it was too late and she moving to some other town .
Did someone else talk to her before me?
This is fun
When I start the game the villager that I wanted to move out already have her house removed . But when I come back from your town with the dc she is back here with her house safe and sound .
Well congratulation Navi you get Diana
I will get my Phoebe when possible then.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Now I want to kill myself for missing Diana....
"an error has occured"

trying again.

Train's finally here!
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Can I get an PM or something to notify me when you have Phoebe in boxes?