Ok new siggy for ya'll to enjoy, i made it quickly coulda done better but hey anyways without further delay i bring you.....
<big>The Return of The Pics: Fuztown Edition</big><big></big>
Went Rasta with that one

Anyways here ya go.
I divulge my sad past with paintings.
I walked away for a few minutes and i was in the corner so he pushed me that far XD
He likes fossils.
Cmon, don't make me explain this please XD
When i saw how full his fossil museum was, my reaction.
Oh Mah Gawd!!!! He's rumored to also have one in his house
I was about to leave and saw the stingray, i thought it wanted a High Five .... I was wrong

When Blank Yellow Word Bubbles Attack, naw I'm just kidding sorry about the bubble i tried to get the shot before it but was to late XD
I had to go do something and i noticed the outside of his museum, I wish i had it, looks so cool XD
Now, this last picture needs a small back story.
I used to have Merry in my town, We became best friends, and i think i was close to getting her picture (I'm pretty sure thats in it) I went over to a friends house and stayed the night but didnt play AC:CF before hand, i came back with a letter in my mailbox from merry, it said
Dear Joey, I'm sorry i didn't say anything but I'm moving, Thanks for all the memories. Byeeeeee, Merry.
It totally bummed me out, and this was before I even used WiFi.
So without any more delay Here's ...... Reunion
I'm looking forward to taking more pics and having other people join me XD see ya'll later.