Who was originally be the mayor?


Jun 4, 2015
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
So of course you're mistaken for the mayor and blah blah blah and then you get that letter abd blah blah blah. From my research, a lot of people think either Isabelle or Rover was originally the mayor. WRONG. I think it's obvious! TOM NOOK was going to be the mayor! 18nrkfgsd76m.jpg
No wonder he wants to take all your BELLLSSSSS
Wait what... I'm confused

At the beginning of the game you receive a letter from an unknown sender~ this person was originally supposed to be your town's Mayor.


There have been numerous theories as to who sent the letter. As mentioned, Isabelle and Rover are popular theories, but I doubt either is true because Rover never leaves the train and God help Tortimer if he was senile enough to trust him with a town. As for Isabelle, I also doubt that, as she would have been Mayor already by your arrival. She's forever the secretary.

I can actually find Tom Nook somewhat believable, but I also have a feeling the actual mayor might be someone we haven't met yet. Perhaps Tortimer has a son who decided against taking over, instead choosing to pursue other paths in life. Perhaps it's from another villager like yourself, who may have ended up in another town. Possibilities are endless~
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What about the pelicans? They (specifically Pelly) 'took care' of Tortimer. Also I just guessed because of the type of stationary they used (which is the sky).
Doesn't Isabelle say that her info was that the mayor would be on the train you arrived on (hence the assumption that you're the mayor, as you're the only one that disembarks)? She never actually says who told her this, though, does she? So either it's someone in town who's led her astray--entirely possible--or it's Isabelle herself, letting everyone think that a new mayor is arriving, even though she herself knows she was supposed to be mayor and perhaps didn't want the job, or it's Rover, pretending to not know the town you're going to. I don't think it'd be Tom Nook, unless he's disguising his style of speech in the letter.

LOL...maybe your mom was supposed to be mayor!
It can't be any Tom Nook, Isabelle, the Able Sisters, etc because they are already in the town. Isabelle said the new mayor was coming by train, hence how you become mayor.
I think it was supposed to be Rover. He's always seemed a bit mischievous to me, not to mention he has all of the hook ups and contacts.
I think you're the figure head mayor. Issabelle does all the important stuff and you're a figure head, like that train station in japan where the station master was a cat named Tama. it's afigurehead, but not actually doing work. Isabelle probably didn't want the attention like that (imagine all that scrutiny) so she fibbed and got lucky when you showed up.
It's almost certainly Rover. My headcanon was that he had finally decided to settle down somewhere and became the mayor as well, but at the last second he shoved his responsibilities onto some kid he meets on the train because he has an epiphany and realizes that his days on the road are not over yet.

Plus he was the only person on the train, and after you leave him you never see him again, despite apparently considering you an "acquaintance," because of course he's going to remember that kid he gave his job to.
i really do think it was isabelle. if it was anyone else i feel like she would have given you a chance to explain when she questions you at first, but she's very pushy and doesn't take no for an answer before taking you to town hall.
I don't understand how all of you come up with the idea that Isabelle should have been the mayor. There was someone going to arrive on the train, so it could be Rover, but Isabelle has always already been in the town so how would you see that? It has to either be Rover or someone we don't know yet.
Actually, I just figured something out really important! If you want to see it, you're gonna have to reset your game so dont do this. In your conversation with Rover, right before he asks your name, he was going to ask you a question. I speculate he was going to ask if you could be the mayor instead of him! I would still love it if it was Tom Nook, but now Rover seems more likely
Actually, I just figured something out really important! If you want to see it, you're gonna have to reset your game so dont do this. In your conversation with Rover, right before he asks your name, he was going to ask you a question. I speculate he was going to ask if you could be the mayor instead of him! I would still love it if it was Tom Nook, but now Rover seems more likely

Yeah, he says this if anyone is wondering.

Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 14.12.45.jpg

Maybe he completely forgot to tell you or wanted to hide it from you, so he sent the message through a letter.
I just can't see it being Rover or Isabelle.


1) Rover is never mentioned by any animal ever. Nobody knows him. He has never been seen outside of the bus/train you rode in on. There is no allusion to him whatsoever. You could argue that Rover is a "world traveler" and such, but if he were such a traveler, don't you think your animals would mention it?

2) Rover obviously doesn't FOR SURE know what your town looks like. Yes he "happens to have a map" but it's one of four. So why, pray tell, would you ask someone to be a mayor when they HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN THERE BEFORE? If Rover were truly to be your town's mayor, surely he'd know right away what the town should look like! This basically shows that Rover a) has no knowledge of your town and b) would probably not know of Tortimer or anything, since if Tortimer knew Rover and offered him a job as mayor, surely the two would have met in said town.

3) That question is hardly proof. He could have simply been getting ahead of himself, but forgot his manners halfway through and quickly stopped himself in order to be polite and get your name first.

4) Would you really be stupid enough to simply pass your responsibilities on to some random kid? I mean I know people hate Rover but the guy isn't mental.

Now, as for Isabelle:

1) Do you really think she's capable of lying? The biggest lie she ever told was "I'M NOT SLEEPING!" when you can build the Dream Suite, but even then she quickly fesses up and admits to it. That's not even a legit lie so much as it's just some disorientation due to nodding off. So yeah. Isabelle is honest to a fault. She wouldn't lie and withhold information in order to fool the ENTIRE VILLAGE and yourself.

2) Isabelle is DAMNED RESPONSIBLE. Of all people to shirk responsibility, Isabelle would not. If you leave your game unattended for long enough, Isabelle will actually say something along the lines of "I've tried to run everything while you were gone." But she will also tell you that you are needed, and that things aren't the same when you're not running the joint. This not only points to her being entirely capable of stepping up and taking responsibility, but also recognizing her own title and not wearing shoes she can't fit into. She's just NOT the mayor.

3) If I haven't convinced you already, as stated when you begin the game, it is known that the mayor would be arriving on the train that day. This basically means nobody currently in the village could have been due to be mayor. Yes I said Tom Nook was "more believable" but he's pretty much obsolete too.

I still think Tom Nook is Zipper though lmao.

Honestly I'd be more inclined to believe PHINEAS is supposedly the mayor over most of these theories. He's respected, gentlemanly, well known, and he watches all of your progress and gives you badges for your wonderful work. Much more plausible of a mayor IMO (now that I spell it out that actually is sorta plausible haha, but Phineas is probably too old to consider taking office).

To me it'd be more believable if

A) Tortimer had a son or relative ready to take office, but they either did not make it or did not really want that job. Thus when you arrive, it's a happy coincidence how things turned out, and you earn the old Mayor's approval and the new Mayor's best wishes. This would explain why Tortimer isn't at all shocked when he sees you as the Mayor during your first meeting.

B) Another Villager, just like you, is supposed to take over. But said villager ended up in another town. This results in a mixup in which the other villager accepts this turn of events, and sends you his/her letter of well wishes.

I don't really think either of those are super believable either, but I'm sorry, I just can't believe Isabelle or Rover were due to be Mayor. Rover makes no sense, and you'd have to perform a complete 180 on Isabelle's personality to fit her into a theory regarding her. So yeah, not buying it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also before people jump on it yes I know Tom Nook can't be zipper since he is still in his shop that day. It's probably just some poor guy in a costume being paid minimum wage to act happy. It's just hilarious to think of him in that suit.

Also note I'm not trying to be a killjoy. I love theories. Just I think they're a lot more entertaining if they're like...plausible.
Maybe this would be easier to understand if the title made sense.

Eh, pretty much everyone else in the thread understood the title and gave their thoughts pretty accurately sooo I don't think that has anything to do with it.

Anyways, I'm not creative at all so I always thought that that letter was from Tortimer himself, whoops. I never considered the possibility of someone else possibly being the mayor so hearing all these theories is pretty interesting.
Also before people jump on it yes I know Tom Nook can't be zipper since he is still in his shop that day. It's probably just some poor guy in a costume being paid minimum wage to act happy. It's just hilarious to think of him in that suit.

I thought it was Isabelle... Doesn't Zipper regard you similarly as Isabelle does and then corrects him(her)self? Plus, I don't remember Isabelle being anywhere that day.