Who was your first Animal Crossing friend?

Mine was Ava. She's a chicken. I'm not super fond of her but I some reason we became friends first :confused:
I'd say my very first friend was Melba. I have great memories of her. She moved away quickly though, but I've always liked Normal villagers the most because of her. Static was also one of my first friends. I loved him and I always thought he always was so rude and cute at the same time haha
Well if you mean by the writing random letters to you thing then Harry. If you mean by like, getting their picture than O'Hare. :)
Tangy. She moved below me along the edge of the beach and we both lived at the end of the map by a cliff in Wild World. It was perfect. I didn't like her at first based on her design but her personality quickly became my favorite and she was the first villager to give me her picture!
Tex! But only because I wanted his jacket so I'd talk to him nonstop (*´・ω・)
olivia! she's the only one i really remember from my gamecube town as a kid, i talked to her everyday
Mine would have had to have been Felicity. I was always bothering Eunice because she was my favorite, but best friend wise, Felicity was the one I was closed to.
Winnie the horse in the gamecube version!! I remember her house was decorated in the Lovely Series (now called Cute)
Bangle from my Gamecube town from 2003, creatively named "Florida" which is just, the state i live in. lol.

I still have my memory card with the town on it, Every six months or so, I'll put it in and visit them, it's partially damaged though, and getting worse overtime so the the Wii over the years has been getting worse and worse at trying to read it... I feel as though my time with that town is finally fleeting...
My first Animal Crossing game is New Leaf (if my memory serves me right). I haven't picked up the game for a while and restarted my town recently and the first villager I befriended is Sally the normal squirrel because she reminded me of Sally from Spongebob (also a squirrel) :ROFLMAO:
Mine was Boone. A few months after I started playing NL he moved in randomly, and I was instantly attached.
I befriended him until he moved out two years later :(
The first villager I became friends with was Bunnie, waaaay back in Wild World. I talked to her and sent her letters every day in the hopes that she would give me her picture. Sadly she moved away before that happened tho :cry:

I don't like her as much nowadays because of that tbh lol, but she still has a special place in my heart because she was the first villager I befriended.
Mine was Stella, one of my starting villagers on AC:GCN way back in 2008. I still have her surprisingly. I guess she likes me just as much :)
Daisy and Paolo!

Neither villager is incredibly popular but they’re both very dear to me. So glad they got comebacks in the NL update and in NH!

I also befriended Tom the cat as my first cranky, Rhoda the chicken as my first snooty (don’t think she ever came back?) and Pate the duck as my first peppy. Such good times. The only one that is a dreamie for me now is Tom, but I still like all of them because I remember them fondly.
Back in the gamecube days, Queenie was my absolute favorite character. She was such a ***** to me but I looooooooved her
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