coco // 🪢🌙🌻 // i'm up all night to get lucky
bob, my second client, wanted a roommate so i put him together with dizzy! they both like mint ice cream <33
for me dizzy didnt even have a house yet and bob's house (garden and flowery) was really weirdly specific so i had to incorporate a lot of factors into how it would come out so dizzy would like it but the final result was actually better then i thought it'd be!Honestly I was caught by surprise and I'm not in love with my first pairing, Carolina and Maggie but I built them a country style house and I kinda love that, I imagine they spend their days farming, cooking and knitting and are super happy together.
tbh some of the requests some villagers have are a little weird so matching their themes can be hard, so I STUCK WITH THE ONE Caroline asked first.