Who were you in high school?

I was somebody who kinda just existed. I was a shy, quiet, smart loner who my classmates just tolerated or ignored, but never bullied during that period of time, fortunately. I studied hard, kept to myself, just did what I had to do in order to get good grades. At least my teachers liked me because of that, lol.
I started my freshman year of high school in a new area (was actually my hometown from when I was a baby) not knowing anybody. It was very uncomfortable because I didn't have the people I had growing up with. In some ways, that is probably a blessing; at the same time, I wonder how my hs experience would have been of I stayed in MB where I grew up. I had mostly acquaintances in high school. Awful people who wanted to hit me up, ok people who I got along with, and some people who I considered my best friends during that time in my life. High school was honestly the best and worst time of my life.
I was diagnosed with dysthymia, I had self harm issues, and my boyfriend was emotionally abusive. But at the same time, I made some life-changing memories and I found out what I really want out of life. I went through a lot of s*** with my mom, my family, and my ex, but it's really shaped the person I am today, relationships I have with my family (in a good way) and helped me realize what I deserve (thankful for my now-husband).
I had a lot of people do me wrong in hs, and I did a lot of things to help me cope with that
alcohol, drugs, sh.
My experiences, even following high school, have made me a better person, definitely.

My favorite memory has to be the one summer I went with my good friend Sarah to her parents lake house at Smith Mtn Lake. We spent a whole week there jumping off the dock and driving around in a golf cart. We called ourselves lion sisters because our hair was red, curly, and untameable when it dried! I do miss her a lot. We lost touch after graduation. I have a hard time keeping up with people, it may be some anti-social tendencies I have... either way, I'm in a good place.

thanks for the vent!
still in high school. almost done, thank jesus.

im an art kid. i literally hang with my art teacher for half of the day. i dont have many friends, but the few i have are the most wonderful people i know. i wouldn’t say im quiet or loud. somewhere in the middle. i keep to myself for the most part but people are very aware of who i am. get bullied a lot (usually behind my back and i have for the past 4 years) but oh well. im a relatively strong person so it doesnt bother me too much
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a ghost, which is to say i was homeschooled, which is to say """homeschooled""" was just a flimsy excuse to not have to bother taking me to school while making no effort to actually teach me js.

though when i was around highschool age i was in my emo phase, sorta obsessed with anime, a bit of a weeb, and edgy as hell.
One giant blur. I remember getting good grades and hating chemistry, but the people? Nope. The school where I went felt more like a prison. I think its my brain conveniently forgetting most of it so I can make room for more important things.
Anime college-obsessed nerd. There thankfully was no bullying despite being quiet. I did become less quiet though in junior year, worked through a lot of anxiety, but I at least was able to participate in class more.