Who would win in a fight?

gorilla it'll eat the dog
did you not see the bye bye lol
seriously bye now
who would win in a fight a clock or a table? wtf?
a clock. it'll make time go backwards so it'll never be in a fight.

(yup i saw it, dosen;t mean you have to continue playing every time i say something) :p
Iron Man eats gallons of ice cream for breakfast.

Who would win in a fight: Vampire or Werewolf?
Canada we'll throw snowballs at your weapons!
who would win coffee or beans?
yeah i went there!
omg! laughing so hard.....can't stop......!!!!! Oh, so now you have to split me apart? I see how it is!
Coffee, duh! without coffee bean is just a plain ol bean!

Who would win a fight michael jackson or a little boy?

little boy he'll sue mj for not letting him play in netherland lol
ichigo or goku
ok that was really weird
blonde she will make the brunette dumb ha lame joke
a computer or laptop?
a computer! (my laptop's mother board crashed and i only had the laptop for a year! stupid peace of crap....)

who would win in a fight a DS or a gameboy?
omg! i was gonna ask you the same thing!!!!! When I posted the tv and internet one, i was like hmmm....should i ask her that? mybe she won't know what hm is....


i'll have to say animal crossing in this forum or i'll get shot! lol(both maybe hm a bit more, you can get married! hellooooo~~~)

Who would win in a fight yogurt or pudding?
hmmm i have to say i am a fan of pudding.
try saying that with a straight face.
mable or sable w/e their names are