Ok, so in the trailer, they had both kk and Kapp’n singing, and I felt like Kapp’n was better at singing, but I want to know what you guys think. Comment below and fill out the poll.
The verdict is still out for me since the only Kapn singing I've seen is from the direct trailer... NH is my first AC game so KK is all I've ever known.
not a kk slider fan. he's got, like, two good songs. (stale cupcakes and animal city.) he could've had my vote as dj kk because those remixes in NL were god damn bopping -- especially the sections with your town tune -- but regular kk? go away, stop blocking my town hall.
kapp'n has such a chill vibe. love the tunes. the lyrics always make me laugh. good times.
I haven't heard much of Kapp'n, but I'm absolutely convinced nothing can top the "awoos" that K.K. delivers. Pure bliss, you own the world little exhibitionist funky dog.