Who's That Pokemon!

Silverstorms said:
Go K.K. Rider! said:
Silverstorms said:
Go K.K. Rider! said:
Is a useless pokemon for awhile
Is a water type
It'll be worth having if you know how to train it
That's stupid.

2 of your points are opinions.
But it's true isn't it?
How am I supposed to know.

I don't know what pokemon you're talking about.
There's only 2 choices and smasher already knocked out one choice
Go K.K. Rider! said:
Silverstorms said:
Go K.K. Rider! said:
Silverstorms said:
Go K.K. Rider! said:
Is a useless pokemon for awhile
Is a water type
It'll be worth having if you know how to train it
That's stupid.

2 of your points are opinions.
But it's true isn't it?
How am I supposed to know.

I don't know what pokemon you're talking about.
There's only 2 choices and smasher already knocked out one choice
magikarp is the only useless one I can think of. Splash is the only attack that doesnt do anything.
deathparty666 said:
z189ack said:
deathparty666 said:
ph33rm3 said:
deathparty666 said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep

1.Gratitude pokemon.
2.Looks like a chia pet.
3.Has 2 forms.

<small><small><small><small>Shaymin is so cyuute!!!</small></small></small></small> lol
lol shaymin!

1. only has two feet
2. evolves at lvl 23
3. is always frowning.
Omg thats so hard first Alot of pokemon have 2 feet and always frown, and we cant know what pokemon evolves at level 23 (without using the game)
yeah urr right sorry it was shroomish...

1. has three eyes
2 sleeps for a very long time
3. Max (anime) befriended one.

make a wish =)
I'm sorry i got a little mean there...

hmmm I mine as well try... AHA jirachi I almost gave up

1. In the show Roark shows his father his first pokemon fossil
2. Its the only grass type pokemon to be a fossil (I think)
3.Its evolution is a seed to a pokemon thats a really jolly pokemon and its a flower
1: high special defence
2: man made pokemon
3: blue and pink
4: 3 answers but all in the same evolution[/quote]Poryagon!

Not sure if that's how you spell it...
Slyfy said:
1: high special defence
2: man made pokemon
3: blue and pink
4: 3 answers but all in the same evolution

Not sure if that's how you spell it...[/quote]it is porygon, oh well, i sometimes mix him up with rotom or poliwhirl ^_^
kenziegirl said:
1. pink
2. loves to sing
3 draws on faces when mad

This as easy as it gets!!
jigglypuff xD

1. Has DNA of every single pokemon
2. Pink
3. Long tail
ricano4life said:
kenziegirl said:
1. pink
2. loves to sing
3 draws on faces when mad

This as easy as it gets!!
jigglypuff xD

1. Has DNA of every single pokemon
2. Pink
3. Long tail
mew! that is easy!

1.)is a ??? gen pokemon.
2.)has been said to be a real pokemon
3.)is a rare pokemon
*.)is something to do with mewtwo.