Alligator: Gayle and Alli. I've had Alli in my town in WW and I liked her a lot.
Anteater: Antonio is my favorite cuz he's cute, though I also like Pango.
Bear: Megan, have her on my island in NH and adore her, though I also like Pinky.
Bird: Jacques, though I also like Midge and Piper. Some of the other birds are unappealing.
Bull: Stu, none of the other bulls appeal to me.
Cat: Lolly is my all-time favorite! I have her in my NL town and she's adorable. I also like Ankha, Mitzi, Rosie, and Rudy.
Chicken: Ava, not familiar with the other chickens but Ava appeals to me the most.
Cow: Tipper, she looks like the Webkinz plush cow named Milky.
Cub: Chester and Stitches are my favorites for their charming personalities and cuteness. I've got fond memories with both of them.
Deer: Bam cuz he looks cool, though I also like Shino and Erik.
Dog: Cookie is adorable, had her in my NL town and liked her a lot.
Duck: Ketchup for her cuteness.
Eagle: Apollo is my favorite cuz he's awesome!
Elephant: Opal, though I also like Margie and Tucker.
Frog: Diva is my favorite, she was one of my starting villagers in NL and I loved her sense of humor.
Goat: Chevre, I've fond memories of her in my WW town and adored her. I also like Pashmina and Sherb a lot.
Gorilla: Peewee and Caesar are both buff and cool-looking gorillas.
Hamster: Apple is my all-time favorite cuz she's adorable and I love her energetic personality! I have her in my NL town and NH island.
Hippo: Bertha for her cuteness, some of the other hippos are hideous.
Horse: Colton is my favorite for his sophistication, have him in my NL town. I also like others like Annalise, Julian, Reneigh, and Savannah.
Kangaroo: Rooney, he looks cool.
Koala: Eugene, though I also like Melba since she was one of my starting villagers in NL and I've got fond memories with her.
Lion: The only one I like is Rex, had him on my NH island and I like Lazy villagers. Some of the other lions look very stern.
Mouse: Anicotti is by far my favorite, I was touched by her cheerful personality in NL. I also like Bree and Bettina.
Monkey: Flip cuz he looks like a martial arts monkey similar to the Pokémon Infernape. I also like Deli and Nana.
Octopus: Marina, the others are hideous.
Ostrich: Gladys for her charming personality and nostalgia from WW, though I also like Julia and Flora since I like peacocks and flamingos.
Penguin: Sprinkle, though I also like Iggly since he's funny. In my NL town, Iggly would brag about his muscles, even though he's a fat penguin, lol.
Pig: Agnes, though I also like Gayle and Boris.
Rabbit: Sasha for her cuteness, though I also like Bunnie and Hopkins.
Rhino: Rhonda and Hornsby.
Sheep: Willow cuz she's very cute and innocent-looking.
Squirrel: Filbert cuz he was one of my starting villagers in WW and he's one of my favorite villagers. I'm also fond of Poppy and Peanut.
Tiger: Rowan cuz he's a chill tiger, though I also like Rowan and Tybalt.
Wolf: Wolfgang and Chief are both cool-looking.
Anteater: Antonio is my favorite cuz he's cute, though I also like Pango.
Bear: Megan, have her on my island in NH and adore her, though I also like Pinky.
Bird: Jacques, though I also like Midge and Piper. Some of the other birds are unappealing.
Bull: Stu, none of the other bulls appeal to me.
Cat: Lolly is my all-time favorite! I have her in my NL town and she's adorable. I also like Ankha, Mitzi, Rosie, and Rudy.
Chicken: Ava, not familiar with the other chickens but Ava appeals to me the most.
Cow: Tipper, she looks like the Webkinz plush cow named Milky.
Cub: Chester and Stitches are my favorites for their charming personalities and cuteness. I've got fond memories with both of them.
Deer: Bam cuz he looks cool, though I also like Shino and Erik.
Dog: Cookie is adorable, had her in my NL town and liked her a lot.
Duck: Ketchup for her cuteness.
Eagle: Apollo is my favorite cuz he's awesome!
Elephant: Opal, though I also like Margie and Tucker.
Frog: Diva is my favorite, she was one of my starting villagers in NL and I loved her sense of humor.
Goat: Chevre, I've fond memories of her in my WW town and adored her. I also like Pashmina and Sherb a lot.
Gorilla: Peewee and Caesar are both buff and cool-looking gorillas.
Hamster: Apple is my all-time favorite cuz she's adorable and I love her energetic personality! I have her in my NL town and NH island.
Hippo: Bertha for her cuteness, some of the other hippos are hideous.
Horse: Colton is my favorite for his sophistication, have him in my NL town. I also like others like Annalise, Julian, Reneigh, and Savannah.
Kangaroo: Rooney, he looks cool.
Koala: Eugene, though I also like Melba since she was one of my starting villagers in NL and I've got fond memories with her.
Lion: The only one I like is Rex, had him on my NH island and I like Lazy villagers. Some of the other lions look very stern.
Mouse: Anicotti is by far my favorite, I was touched by her cheerful personality in NL. I also like Bree and Bettina.
Monkey: Flip cuz he looks like a martial arts monkey similar to the Pokémon Infernape. I also like Deli and Nana.
Octopus: Marina, the others are hideous.
Ostrich: Gladys for her charming personality and nostalgia from WW, though I also like Julia and Flora since I like peacocks and flamingos.
Penguin: Sprinkle, though I also like Iggly since he's funny. In my NL town, Iggly would brag about his muscles, even though he's a fat penguin, lol.
Pig: Agnes, though I also like Gayle and Boris.
Rabbit: Sasha for her cuteness, though I also like Bunnie and Hopkins.
Rhino: Rhonda and Hornsby.
Sheep: Willow cuz she's very cute and innocent-looking.
Squirrel: Filbert cuz he was one of my starting villagers in WW and he's one of my favorite villagers. I'm also fond of Poppy and Peanut.
Tiger: Rowan cuz he's a chill tiger, though I also like Rowan and Tybalt.
Wolf: Wolfgang and Chief are both cool-looking.