Why did AC:CF die off so quick?

Wooty McWoot said:
The gamecube released an internet ability.
No, that was a LAN ability, and it required multiple gamecubes all within like 10 yards of each other, multiple copies of the same game, and hours of setup time. You also needed to connect all the gamecubes with a bunch of cords, I believe.

It was rather crappy. And the only game I know that used Gamecube's LAN was Mario Kart: Double Dash.
If City Folk had the orginal and wild world mixed together plus more updates then yes it would be awesome. The grass losing sucks, villagers don't come out or talk to you often like in the other games and giving pictures wasn't great either. This game was fun when every liked it but now GECKO OS started hacking it and same with map editors.
Away236 said:
Music wasn't as charming as the Gamecube version, but mainly it was just getting way too repetitive.

They didn't add enough features to keep it alive for more than a few months for me. The grass destruction is a horrible addition, it made the game unappealing.
SAMwich said:
Rorato74 said:
Hey look! My package with Wii Sports Resort is here! Bye! I'm going to go play it!
Speaking of Wii Sports, does anyone else think the first one died off super quick as well?
Super quick?
I think it died off not quick enough.
Orange said:
SAMwich said:
Rorato74 said:
Hey look! My package with Wii Sports Resort is here! Bye! I'm going to go play it!
Speaking of Wii Sports, does anyone else think the first one died off super quick as well?
Super quick?
I think it died off not quick enough.
it didn't die off until Wii Sports Resorts was speaked off in E3 2008.
I am really getting into it now. I havent done online yet so when that happens, its gonna be awesome. I am Working on a path to my house,to nooks, to my moms house, and to the Gate.

It took some time for me to get off of the Gamecube version and play CF more. It sucks that people just think that its fun for like five seconds then think that since everyone else trows it aside, then other should too. when most games come out I have to wait cause I am broke, by the time i buy it, nobody is Wowing at it. no one likes it as much as me cause i just got it and others played for awhile, did a few cool things, customized there town, then trew it aside. Damnit I'm playing right now!
:mad: you should to.

these are not the Ideas of the Bell Tree, we do not like such long winded speeches. thank you for your time. :veryhappy:
After about a month you realize you're doing the same thing over again. Also, the wi-fi is boring too, I mean people made up games to play, but they get dull after a while. The original had more events, stuff to do, and the music was awesome. I sometimes play the original from time to time. I mean, I hated the acres but they helped you get a perfect town. There were more cool neighbors in AC for gamecube as well.
City folk's replay value is too small, the only thing keeping me coming back for more is the events and Gracie furniture.
nook said:
i dont get it. i play accf more because wild world is on ds and ds dosent support wep and i have wpa and wii supports wap. and gamecube dosent have wifi. i bought cf because i thought it would be fun to play with people without worrying about security type.
Switch your router to WEP... It's not the hardest thing xD
People are saying the music is worse but If you think about it, It would not suit the Wii game because of how it was made.
vampiricrogue said:
the city is disappointing....
it should of been bigger.. like a real city
instead it was compact (and the music.. :X )

nintendo could of put more effort into it
SAMwich said:
nook said:
i dont get it. i play accf more because wild world is on ds and ds dosent support wep and i have wpa and wii supports wap. and gamecube dosent have wifi. i bought cf because i thought it would be fun to play with people without worrying about security type.
Switch your router to WEP... It's not the hardest thing xD
that would be dangerous...
I like the new features of ACCF, but it's missing some old good features. I've never played the original but ACWW had bad graphics.