The fact that he is unimportant and uninfluential in Mario games is the reason why people want him. He's so unrepresented in all Mario games, I'd personally want to see more of him or a game of his own. Smash would be a start of that process.
Plus is it really that hard to make him at least an echo character?
An echo of who? He's so much lighter and has a complete opposite body of Wario. His moveset would be all based off Mario spinoff games.
An echo of who? He's so much lighter and has a complete opposite body of Wario. His moveset would be all based off Mario spinoff games.
If he was in smash he would be something about the sports games.
Agreed, and from the extent I've seen him play tennis, he strikes me as someone who really knows how to tango with gusto. I imagine he could do some spinning tango mess for grapples, hit people with a tennis racket, and maybe toss that rose he often has in his mouth at someone as a sharp projectile.
Because he is obviously superior in every way. Waluigi is love, Waluigi is life.
Because he is obviously superior in every way. Waluigi is love, Waluigi is life.