Why do you want the villagers that you do?

Most of my dream villagers were my starting villagers in Wild World, and for some reason I have this urge to get them into my New Leaf town, with a few new additions like Fauna and Molly :)
Apple (Have) - I LOVE The hamsters, and i own a hamster in real life, so i always wanted them in my town, and Flurry/Apple were my favourites, so to get her in my town was amazing

Willow (Have) - I adore the sheep, and have wanted Willow ever since CF, she is of my favourite personality, and i just think she is so cute

Rolf (Have) - I generally do not like the Cranky's as much, but Rolf is my definite favourite out of them, i think he is great, and looks cool, so to have him alongside Willow & Apple in my original 5 was amazing

Vesta (Have) - Vesta is my all time favourite villager, i had her as a starter in GC & WW so i was so glad to get her in this town, a town wouldn't be complete without her

Freya (Have) - Freya was one of my favourites in my GC town, i was so sad she was never in WW & i did not have her in CF, so i felt like i needed her in this one, she is the only wolf i really like :)

Muffy (Have) - Muffy is one of my top 3 sheep, so i wanted her in my town :3 i don't plan on anymore sheep though, plus i needed an Uchi villager, as i want atleast one of each, and she is the best one imo

Stitches (Have) - i ADORE Stitches, he was in my WW town and i just think he is one of the cutest villagers, plus he has an adorable personality


Mallary - Me and Mallary have a long past, which i have posted about before. Basically she lived in my WW Town 4 times, and the first 2 i hated her and wanted her to leave and was so happy when she did. The third time when she moved in i eventually liked her, and when she moved out for the fourth time i was upset, so i need my frenemy back

Bones - Bones has always been a longtime favourite of mine, that simple :)

Marshal - I need a smug villager in my town permanently, and Marshal fits the criteria, plus i think he will so cute with Stitches :) he will be hard to get though

Samson - He was one of my original 6 villagers in Gamecube and i have loved him ever since, one of the only Jocks i genuinely love :)

Tangy - The first villager i ever met in the animal crossing series, and so she holds a deep place in my heart. To have 4 of my starting villagers in the GC (Samson, Freya, Vesta, Tangy) reunited in this one would be amazing

As you can see i have 12 dreamies, therefore to have them all, i will eventually have to let two of them leave. One of these will be Freya probably :) i do need their pics before any can leave though
O'Hare - I love him. So much. The moment I saw his unique character design, his orange hair in contrast to his dark fur, his little straw hat, those 0 0 eyes ... I knew he'd be my new favourite. It's a bit sad he's a smug villager now, though.

Purrl - My favourite villager from my first wild world town. My first player was a boy (named Kevin, I don't know why... I don't even like the name that much) and she was my animal girlfriend. Until she moved. Back then I didn't know it was possible to convince them to stay... I never got her again. ; ; She's so adorable... she always looks so happy. I really need her in my town ><

Violet - I just like her design, it's unique and cool. She'd make a better uchi villager though

Gaston - Love him! a He's a bunny. b He looks like a grumpy old man. c He's supposed to be french and last but not least Gaston is the name of the author who wrote "The Phantom of the Opera", my favourite book and story and everything (Gaston Leroux)

Mitzi - She looks crazy. 0 v 0

Kiki - My town is supposed to be a magical village with my mayor being a witch and stuff... and she's a black cat, soo... Plus, her eyes. Oh god. They remind me of... the phantom of the opera xD (The Phantom wears a black mask and has yellow eyes in the original novel)

Lucky - Back then when wild world was suuuuper popular, I was very very active on a pretty... small german animal crossing forum... And there was one girl that I really liked. She was so, so kind and could draw the villagers really well, she was online everyday and... yeah she was just a really cool person. Aaand... her favourite villager was Lucky. I've lost contact to her long ago, but Lucky always reminds me of that time... *dreams*

Kabuki - He looks cranky and grumpy and super cool = v =

Mott - A jock villager that looks like a know-it-all. And he's a lion. Soo cool, I need him!

Puddles - I love her house, I love her design, she's a frog and maybe the only peppy villager I really like.

Nate - One of the starters from my GC town... he lived near my house and I always caught him sleeping somewhere outside. He's cute.
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Moe (have): because he the villager I liked most in my first ever animal crossing town (wild world). So mainly nostalgia, but I also love how he looks ^.^ love him to pieces.
Poppy because I've seen her in dream towns and thinks she's absolutely adorable.
Sydney because I love koalas and think she's the cutest of the ones in game.
Mira is a new dreamie. I was reading about her the other night and saw she might be a reference to Sailor Venus. She'd fit in perfectly because I have the Sailor Moon theme and my mayor is named Usagi after Sailor Moon.

I also have a list of semi dreamies or villagers I want eventually. I want those because of their design, I saw them in a friends and/or dream town, or I passed on them when they were camping and regretted it after reading up on them.
I don't really have a dream villager list, but there is one that I want, but I'm not really going to chase after him. Not worth it for me.

To be honest, I'll settle for anyone who isn't a duck, Velma, or Hazel. If you're not any of those, then you're pretty cool in my book
Lolly- I was just browsing through the cats on some site and I saw Lolly. I love normal villagers, and she's adorable and a cat. She's my top dreamie.

Pietro- He's just so cute and his house is cool. Who doesn't want a clown sheep in their town?

Apollo- I love him because he's my birthday buddy! On July 4th we had an awesome birthday bash in Moonvale. Also, I love cranky villagers. They're so funny :3

Marcie- I love kangaroos. And she's pink! Now, pink's not my absolute favorite color, but I do like the color pink she is a lot. And she's a normal villager!

Cookie-Well, she's pink, too. But she has those huge eyes and that cute little nose! And I think all the dogs in the game are pretty cute. I also like Peppy villagers, because I think their superstar attitude is cute.

Hopper- In my very first Animal Crossing town, which was in Wild World, Hopper was one of my very first villagers. He's a cranky villager and he's cool looking. When he tried to move away from my original town, I almost cried.
Marshal: Because when I first saw him in my friend's town, I was jealous. >:c
Julian: I don't know, he's a unicorn?
Stitches: He grew onto me and was my first cub villager in WW <3
Apollo: he was one of my original villagers and was definitely the kindest to me.
Eugene: he's pretty badass with the sunglasses but so cute because he's a koala!
Frobert: i grew to love him. he's so small yet he tries to act so tough.
Goldie: she's the cutest dog and she's really nice
Winnie: prettiest horse and also really nice
Fang: i love white wolves, so pretty. plus he's a cranky which is my favorite villager type
Wolfgang: badass wolf
Whitney: in the animal crossing movie, her and apollo had a thing, so to make apollo happy i adopted her, plus she's pretty.
Beau: so cute >< he constantly looks sleepy
Kid Cat: he's a cat which is like my favorite animal. and he's a superhero! so cute.
i only have 2 dreamies left c:

tom: he has the same name as my boyfriend and his design is a bit similar to moe's. both blue and they move in originally wearing a BB shirt. plus my boyfriend gets jealous (jokingly) about me talking to moe all the time because he's my favorite villager. when i get tom, he wants me to love him more than moe LOL. but i don't think that' going to happen. c:

tammy: i need an uchi for pwps. i liked her the most out of all of the uchis because she's a bear cub. lol i kept picturing her going to the cafe with maple (one of my villagers who is also a bear cub) and them become BFFs lol.