Why don't we compliment the user above us?

i don’t think we’ve interacted much, but you seem like a very kind person, and i love your current aesthetic! i keep stopping to stare at your sig every time i see you around because of how cute it is 🤍
u seem very cute and u have a cute cat, i like when u post on what makes u happy bc u always seem cheerful and you take positivity in so many things and it's nice to hear 💗
I love your signature, both your current one and your last one. I'm probably just being biased because I'm also a Vesta fan, but still. Good signature.
Sweet, kind and very talented. You are a great friend and as we both have moon bunnies in our lineup we are bunny twins 🐰 💜
Literally one of the kindest people on this website, I'll always be jealous of your beautiful lineups! <3
My very good friend, and a wonderful TBTer! I appreciate the kindness you consistently spread to everyone on the forum. 🥰
Although I haven't known you for too long, you were a good teammate during this year's camp! I was glad to see you put in the effort and get rewarded the Galaxy Swirl with us!
While I haven't been in any of the Camp TBT events, I can understand that you were great at giving people confidence in making your winning teams win.

With that in mind, you're an excellent coach if that's what it's called. If not then rooter.

(Drat that was meant for the post above Shawna.) >.<

Well... Your avatar is nice.
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