Why don't we compliment the user above us?

Great emotional range as a human being and also your face is handsome! You even remind me of your avatar in irl, all you need now is a rowlet.
Great emotional range as a human being and also your face is handsome! You even remind me of your avatar in irl, all you need now is a rowlet.

Yeah, my emotions as well as myself are a bit all over the place at times. I do my best to be positive and empathetic most of the time, but sometimes I fail : ‘ ).

Also, thank you very much. That’s very sweet of you to say. And yes, I really just need to buy myself a Rowlet plushie at this point. :giggle:


Above poster - You reached out to me over something very important and are always friendly and caring on the forums. That’s how I know you’re a good person.
@Midoriya You don't gotta be positive all the time, I like you either way mate! You're not failing at all. Also your line-ups are always even & well balanced and I appreciate that.
I absolutely love your collectible lineup! Can’t wait for it to be finished.
You've been here for not even five months and you already have more tbt and better collectibles than I do congrats :[