Changes in our society in recent years have weakened family life. First of all, today’s mothers spend much less time with their children. A generation ago, most houses got by on Dad’s paycheck, and Mom stayed home. Now many mothers work, and their children attend an after school program, stay with a neighbor, or go home to an empty house. Another change is that families no longer eat together. In the past, Mom would be home and fix a full dinner –salad, pot roast, potatoes, and vegetables, with homemade cake or pie to top it off. Dinner today is more likely to be takeout food or TV dinners eaten at home, or fast food eaten out, with different members of the family eating at different times. Finally, television has taken the place of family conversation and togetherness. Back when there were meals together, family members would have a chance to eat together, talk with each other, and share event of the day in a leisurely manner. But now families are more likely to be looking at the TV set than talking to one another. Many homes even have several TV sets, which people watch in separate rooms. Clearly, modern life is a challenge to family life.