Merengue's my life.
Totally getting off topic...sorry~
Smogon isn't an official thing, so you don't have to go by it if you wanted to. You could just do the official tier: VGC, which was made by gamefreak and allows mostly any pokemon. The only reason smogon is a thing is to keep certain pokemon in their tiers where they belong and make the game fair. Would it be right to face a kyogre against a ledian because there are no official rules? I agree Smogon can sometimes be idiots, but they take votes usually from people who are skilled and would make a good decision to move a certain pokemon or not.
However, this is NOT Smogon. The villager tier list is completely out of whack. Villagers like Kid Cat are tier one, while others like Poppy are really low. I don't ever see the villager tier list going by vote, but instead observation, which isn't really the best way.
( sorry if i dident quite get my point across
i meant how i used "lower teir" pokemon , and got ridiculed (by smogon users, i played vgc )for it ex. dunsparce.
i also agree about the teir list for acnl too, its garbage.
i hate how "this villager is worth 20M but this one is worthless"
everyone is worth somthing, or just make everyone free! why even make people pay money for villagers?
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