Why so many glitches?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
If anyone knows coding (I for sure as hell don't) could you provide some insight into why there could be so many glitches to do with villager move ins and move outs.
So from reading these forums, glitches no longer seem to be limited to amiibo villagers or villagers that were forced out through amiibo.
More people are reporting glitches of villagers that would have moved in naturally but for some reason their house would read a sign saying "I've moved out".
Furthermore, people are also experiencing glitches when inviting amiibo villagers into their own island.
This is all rather scary. Do you think there will be an easy fix to this?
I'm sure Nintendo will put in a fix with a big enough stink made about it. And it seems like everyone is making a big deal out of it so I predict it'll be solved in the near future.
Yeah, I’m not sure about coding or anything, but it does seem strange that such a big title for Nintendo would have so many glitches that affect basically the biggest feature in the series. The sooner it’s fixed the better!
Well, as long as it doesn’t end like Bethesda and Skyrim, I think we will be okay. I’m still haunted with Glitches in this Game to this very day. :mad:
No game can be perfect, and the millions of people that got a hold of their copy on March 19/20 were able to really put it to the test. Nintendo will take the minimal bad press for the chance to have people pay them to break their game.
the game just came out, of course these glitches are annoying and disappointing but they'll probably be patched out within a couple weeks