Why so many :'(

By "Dont exist" do you mean Banned, or inactive?

Because over half of our total amount of members are inactive...or so I think...

Xemnas said:
By "Dont exist" do you mean Banned, or inactive?

Because over half of our total amount of members are inactive...or so I think...

Actually, these are the accounts that have been deleted. So, that's how they don't exist.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Xemnas said:
By "Dont exist" do you mean Banned, or inactive?

Because over half of our total amount of members are inactive...or so I think...

Actually, these are the accounts that have been deleted. So, that's how they don't exist.

Well there is a chance that 2 of them are my other acounts that I made when I couldnt remember my password >_<

They were "Blathers2" and "TheGhostOfBlather'sSoul" or somthing like that...
Mino is a nice guy. He just gets the message out so it sticks. If I say he is nice then he is.

And storm didn't delete mine yet :rolleyes:
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Bulerias said:
XGT said:
Minority said:
Mino is a nice guy. He just gets the message out so it sticks. If I say he is nice then he is.
I wholely agree.
Same here. >_>;;

But yeah... I like using the Lady, I guess. Makes me feel nice. <3
And voting in polls to make your favorite character to win <_<
That was only once, and besides, the vote was redone. So who cares? >_>;;