Why we need the Roost in November


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2020
Throwback Tickets
So the November update has confirmed to include Franklin and Jingle, with a not so subtle nod via Nintendo by including photos of them....so yeah proof.

No room for Brewster then......or is there...

Cast your minds back to the first real AC Update....no not bunny day. The April Update.....here is a reminder -

Now in this trailer we actually had a whole bunch on Special Characters including Leif and Redd as the mainliners, but also Reese and Cyrus and even Rover via the May Day update.

So really knowing Franklin and Jingle are coming does not exclude more special characters.....as they are the season characters not necessarily the new feature characters.

Ok but why the Roost. Well look what Nintendo have been leading upto...

The Fall update brought with it Jack and Farming with Pumpkings, Franklin is sure to bring more vegetables and likely cooking.

But what do we do with cooking......make more items.....or give food to our villagers, and if farming came in the Fall update, what's the new feature for November......cooking....or something more

In steps Brewster and the Roost. A new external building where you don't just get special guests and islanders to brew coffee for, but you can now put your cooking skills to use by making dishes for everyone.

So to summarise
  • Nintendo will want a big update for the Holidays, the next one might not be till February
  • Compare the next update with the April one, we got 2 special feature characters and included some seasonal characters
  • That update also brought a new shop (Redd), a museum expansion and a new cart (Leif) with 2 big features, Bushes, and Art
  • Nintendo probably also wanted to allow more special characters in the game before launching the Roost so there would be enough for a new visit every day of the week, on a fortnight rotation, same as daily stalls
  • What better way to spend the holidays that wrapped up warm in the Roost with a nice warm latter

Thoughts, disagreements all welcome
My theory is that we might get The Roost in January or February. They'll probably want to roll out updates on those months so it would make sense if they saved something (maybe even something major) for after the holiday-themed updates.
I mean, I'd love to get it in the next update... but why get your hopes so high when there's no guarantee? Most complaints I saw on the Halloween update were "Yah, all the Halloween stuff looks great, but I was hoping for ________" (The Roost, Katrina, villager visits, etc.). This thread kind of feels like a recipe for disappointment to me, TBH. My attitude towards updates is- I'll be excited for what I know we'll be getting, and it'll be a delightful surprise if we get more! So far, it's worked great, and I've been excited for every update and not disappointed or upset once.

My theory is that we might get The Roost in January or February. They'll probably want to roll out updates on those months so it would make sense if they saved something (maybe even something major) for after the holiday-themed updates.
That'd be my guess. I mean, again, it'd be neat to get it next month- but they seem to be spreading things out, and The Roost really warrants it's own special update IMO. Not as an afterthought to some holidays.
I don't want cooking, as in, to cook for villagers.

I want the food items back.

I don't like the farming, and with the lack of items, I no longer really care about Brewster.

We have coffee machines.

Bring Brewster back AFTER we get what is sorely lacking.

Furniture and food items.
Not hats that look like food, as that reminds me of WW where everything had to be faked via patterns.
This is a switch game, and it's meant to contain more than the previous game(s).

We don't need to fake food because NL has a crapload. :-/

Bottom line, items before NPC's.
We have way too many that could/should all work out of the Able Sisters or Crook's Cranny. :)
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Brewster is going to be a huge update unto itself. We’re not getting it in November. I will give TBT to every member who asks for it in reference to this proclamation if I’m wrong
Personally I think Brewster is more likely to return early in 2021. When better to bring back a coffee shop when the northern hemisphere is in winter? With Harvest Festival and Toy Day the update for the remaining portion of the year is focused on that.
Perhaps he shows up in the update giving us Mario items and Pave?
Your point of enjoying coffee with the holidays is great but I think the holidays have enough going for them they do not need the addition of Brewster at that time.
I was guessing january or february since there aren't any other major events then and winter is the perfect season for coffee and other hot drinks - but I'd love if we got brewster earlier! And I do hope they incorporate cooking / DIYs and new features to the roost to make it even more interactive. And like others have mentioned, I'd love it if our old villagers would visit it too sometimes =)
I think we will see Brewster sometime in 2021. I expect that Franklin and Jingle and their respected holidays will be it for 2020. We will probably get a furniture set for both holidays. Early 2021 I think we will get Pavé and Feastivale and then hopefully Brewster and gyroids around then. We know we are getting a Mario set around March and I bet there will be something special for acnh‘s first anniversary. Unless the Mario stuff is going to be the anniversary stuff.
Keep in mind, the April update was likely mostly done before release.

The pandemic has hard in Japan, and it's very hard to move a game design team to work from home. Theres security issues, the fact that people likely wont have the setups at home that they have at work...

I think the priority is going to be the seasonal content, since obviously that has a HARD deadline.
idk where it was but someone on twitter pointed out to me that in some tweet or other they mentioned having a nice hot cup next month or something along those lines-- I'll have to see if I can find the tweet!
I'm playing at around 2am and Erik just mentioned that he's wide awake cause he just had a cup of coffee. He's excited for the eventual Brewster update too
I mean, I'd love to get it in the next update... but why get your hopes so high when there's no guarantee? Most complaints I saw on the Halloween update were "Yah, all the Halloween stuff looks great, but I was hoping for ________" (The Roost, Katrina, villager visits, etc.). This thread kind of feels like a recipe for disappointment to me, TBH. My attitude towards updates is- I'll be excited for what I know we'll be getting, and it'll be a delightful surprise if we get more! So far, it's worked great, and I've been excited for every update and not disappointed or upset once.

That'd be my guess. I mean, again, it'd be neat to get it next month- but they seem to be spreading things out, and The Roost really warrants it's own special update IMO. Not as an afterthought to some holidays.

Why get your hopes up? well that's assuming there would be disappointment if any of this did'nt come true. It's just speculation.

I'm not really someone to get disappointed...or rather it does'nt botter me.......No matter how hyped I might get, it's all just throwing around of ideas. I love all the updates. I mean I wanted Brewster back in the summer updates :) but hey Swimming and Dreams.....more than happy with that.

I'm playing at around 2am and Erik just mentioned that he's wide awake cause he just had a cup of coffee. He's excited for the eventual Brewster update too

Yeah, this is a definately nod and a wink. There are also videos of someone getting both Brewster and Roost mentions from their villagers.
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While I would absolutely love to have more content sooner, I feel like there are a couple issues with your argument: 1. With cooking, we already have a special character to introduce it: Franklin and 2. You’re making broad strokes with how the Roost works: at most the Roost is a coffee establishment, not a full restaurant. I don’t see the Roost going into full-on recipes involving mostly vegetables.

Like others above me I believe we’re going to get Brewster in January or February (leaning a bit more towards February to hit Valentine’s Day, if they play it like Leif was with Earth day).
I really want the Roost in November. And I feel like fall would be that perfect time for a coffee related update, but part of me thinks they're going to focus on Franklin and Jingle. While we did get pumpkin plants in this update, it kind of ties in with the Halloween update.
While I would absolutely love to have more content sooner, I feel like there are a couple issues with your argument: 1. With cooking, we already have a special character to introduce it: Franklin and 2. You’re making broad strokes with how the Roost works: at most the Roost is a coffee establishment, not a full restaurant. I don’t see the Roost going into full-on recipes involving mostly vegetables.

Like others above me I believe we’re going to get Brewster in January or February (leaning a bit more towards February to hit Valentine’s Day, if they play it like Leif was with Earth day).

Oh I'm hardly saying it's full proof, probably loads of gaps, it's all speculative. :)

If cooking does come it will definitely be Franklin that introduces it, but one point I made was that both Franklin and Jingle are seasonal characters, not regular ones like say, Leif, Redd, Pascal or Luna. So come November it will actually be quite a while (well 3 months or so) since we had a more recurring special character Luna. So it would feel a little odd to head out the year without anything big like that....still maybe cooking will come and be considered a big enough update.

The thing is with cooking, what makes it so different....I'm sure we'd all love to cook recipes and share them with our villagers....maybe we'll be able to have them over to our houses or go to theirs and share a meal......but it does feel like there could be somewhere to actually enjoying the things we can cook.

The Roost being a coffee does'nt mean we can't cook there or at least have some cooking, it would make the roost more dynamic and pretty much all cafes serve food with the coffee, even light snacks....and who knows maybe Brewster is expanding? That said, we all love a good pumpkin spiced latte, which would makes sense to be made with...pumpkins.

I'd also be happy with early next year although I feel Valentines day may take a different turn, still could be a date spot...

I totally get what you are saying, It's hopefully speculation on my part, but I think there are good arguments for and against.
Oh I'm hardly saying it's full proof, probably loads of gaps, it's all speculative. :)

If cooking does come it will definitely be Franklin that introduces it, but one point I made was that both Franklin and Jingle are seasonal characters, not regular ones like say, Leif, Redd, Pascal or Luna. So come November it will actually be quite a while (well 3 months or so) since we had a more recurring special character Luna. So it would feel a little odd to head out the year without anything big like that....still maybe cooking will come and be considered a big enough update.

The thing is with cooking, what makes it so different....I'm sure we'd all love to cook recipes and share them with our villagers....maybe we'll be able to have them over to our houses or go to theirs and share a meal......but it does feel like there could be somewhere to actually enjoying the things we can cook.

The Roost being a coffee does'nt mean we can't cook there or at least have some cooking, it would make the roost more dynamic and pretty much all cafes serve food with the coffee, even light snacks....and who knows maybe Brewster is expanding? That said, we all love a good pumpkin spiced latte, which would makes sense to be made with...pumpkins.

I'd also be happy with early next year although I feel Valentines day may take a different turn, still could be a date spot...

I totally get what you are saying, It's hopefully speculation on my part, but I think there are good arguments for and against.
The thing is that I cannot see Brewster being the character to introduce cooking.while this is probably not the optimal way of cooking, I think that we’re going to get a special cooking station of sorts as a place to make dishes. I can see small things being added to the Roost, though, but I can’t see it being the hub for that dynamic. I might be wrong, though, and that wouldn’t be a bad thing.
The thing is that I cannot see Brewster being the character to introduce cooking.while this is probably not the optimal way of cooking, I think that we’re going to get a special cooking station of sorts as a place to make dishes. I can see small things being added to the Roost, though, but I can’t see it being the hub for that dynamic. I might be wrong, though, and that wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Oh if cooking comes as a new mechanic I do hope we get cooking stations that we can out down or even using the ovens in the game in the same way we can make and use different crafting stations.

I was thinking more of the roost as a hub to enjoy food with our villagers rather than the sole place to cook it