Why you should watch your local news...

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TBT Old Timer
Retired Staff
Jul 31, 2005
Gingerbread House
Gastly Halloweaster Egg
Because you hear stories like this:

(Actual Name of Story) FIRE WAS AN ACCIDENT
Some lady wanted to wake her husband up, so she started flicking matches at him. He woke up then, on a mattress that was on fire. He carried the matress outside, setting everything on his way on fire too.
Soccerboy8033 said:
Oh my gosh, that lady wasn't the brightest of bulbs.
yeah...i really wonder why she'd do somethign that....uhhhh....for lack of a better word...dumb.

also, why did the news call it an accident? (throwing matches is no accident)
DarthGohan1 said:
Soccerboy8033 said:
Oh my gosh, that lady wasn't the brightest of bulbs.
yeah...i really wonder why she'd do somethign that....uhhhh....for lack of a better word...dumb.

also, why did the news call it an accident? (throwing matches is no accident)
To make it seem like it wasn't the ladies fault.

Does stuff like this happen in Wisconsin all the time, DG? If so, I don't think I want to sleep there.

The husband and the wife is stupid. Why matches? I think she was trying to kill him instead I think. Plus, who throws stuff at people to wake them up? The husband was stupid too, because he set alot of the house on fire because some parts wouldn't even be on fire!
Oh, yeah, that story was just on





:rofl: ....too bad I missed it by like a couple of minutes >_<
Or the original way to do it




:p splash a bucket of water on their head
:rofl: Water is better than fire :yes: :yes:
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