wi-fi is down!

It's not letting me into QNT3N's Town, so i think D:
hmmm....strange! are you getting an error code? Or is it just not connecting? If your getting an error code tell me wich one! A common one I get is 86420
I actually got two, code <00000> and one telling me "For some unfathomable reason..."

I don't remember the rest of what he said, lul.
I got that twice last week but the third time I tried...it worked!!! :D It may be temporary so I would not worry to much!!! It only happened twice for me!!! I checked recently and my wifi is currently working! I hope yours gets better
i have the same problem cant join anyones town..also got the unfamothable reason error..

so yeah..someone give me news on when its back up?
