WiFi Party

Um.. Chris.
I was JUST THERE in the gate.

xD ..
I wasn't answering cuz I was upstairs writing here, wondering if you'd come or not to my town.
Apparently you did.

hey pplz! im inviting ppl to town

if you want to come just post! gates open at 11:00
oh you do? ok gates open at 11... i think i have you already, meowth?

and if anyone else wants to come, just post... if i dont respond, dont worry just add me cuz i'll add you seeing the topic from my phone
Yeah I already have you. lol

I need to organize my FC roster. I think I have people on there I don't really visit. XD

=^^= Nya
RocketMeowth said:
Yeah I already have you. lol

I need to organize my FC roster. I think I have people on there I don't really visit. XD

=^^= Nya
lol kk

yea been deleting sum ppl cuz my FC list is getting full >_<
Ok I'm opening up my gates so if you wanna come over you can. If I'm Bored i'll ask if you wanna be in a video. DONT WORRY ABOUT BAD QUALITY
uhh this topic is me opening MY gates...

if you want people to go to your town, make a new topic? >.>