Will friendship points with villagers decrease if you’re gone for a long time?


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2018
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Easter Egg
Just as the title says, will friendship points with villagers decrease if you’re gone for a long time? I heard that you have to talk to them every day for your points with them to increase, but if you don’t talk to them for a week or so and you haven’t been in the game, will your friendship points remain the same or will they decrease? I know that in New Leaf they decreased, but is it the same for New Horizons? I hope not, as that means starting all over with them again if you need to take breaks from the game every now and then.
I don't think so. The Ultimate Friendship Handbook doesn't mention it, and from personal experience, this week I TT'ed back to June, then skipped ahead to August, then back to Thanksgiving to play the event before playing yesterday and today normally, and today I got June's picture, so even if there is a decrease, it doesn't seem to be horrible.
No - unless something has changed recently, not talking to your villagers does not decrease friendship in New Horizons. Villagers will comment that you have been gone for a long time, but I think that's all.

The friendship guide linked above has pretty much everything in it, but in short, these are the main ways friendship can decrease:

1. pushing them until they get upset
2. hitting them with a net until they get upset (usually 3 consecutive times)
3. gifting them trash

Then there are a few others related to failing quests that are listed in the guide. If you just decline to do a quest though, you won't lose friendship points.
No I don't think so. I once TT'd to 3 months in the future and my villagers remarked that I had been gone for a long time, but still gave me the best friend dialogue options when I talked to them (i.e. smugs telling me they "don't know everything but know one thing for sure, moving here was the best decision ever" or something like that).
Thank you so much for your super informative responses everyone!! You’ve all been so helpful and it’s so great to know that going away for a long time doesn’t affect your friendship points with your villagers. Now I can time travel without fear!