Will Nintendo ever allow us to Climb the Highest Level?


📝Hello Friend 📨
Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
Just something I was thinking about. Do you think there will be an update in the future that allows us on the Highest Level? Like maybe it is a skill we learn or some tool we will need. I think it would be nice if we could have at least flowers grow on the highest level.

I know there is a glitch that exists that allows you up there, place things, and plant things, but you can't do water up there in the glitch which I find a little odd and seems like rules that would be realistic for the game if we had the ability.
I wish, but I don't think it's too likely either. I've been trying to do the glitch to put trees up there but it takes too much patience lol
The 4th cliff was to give one last tier that is not unobtainable. They would probably have to rework it all, as the only way to get to the 4th cliff is by clipping into it or whatever. I forget the details, it didn't interest me.
I've seen players glitch up there. The game struggles to load visually, so I'd say never.
I don't think so, and it would be absurd, because then folks would attempt to terraform a fifth level, and so on.
Prob not. Either way, dumb they let you have a 4th level yet dont let you decorate it.

Cliffs look good aesthetically in the background. I am glad I can build cliffs on the third level. It looks really nice from the second level.
I wouldn't mind if it was possible. I wouldn't expect them to allow you to put furniture, trees, or plants up there, though. It'll most likely never happen. Maybe in a future game.