I need to see what features it has, if it is just as described so far then I don't believe it will have enough of a hold for me. I like interior design however this game will probably cost ?30+(as games do here) and I imagine I will put it down too quickly for it to be worth that. Couple that with the fact that I think I have an older 3ds, so I would have to buy the reader too. It's a cute concept with the cards, however probably wont be worth it.
I am waiting to see what other features are in it, but if it is just an interior design game then I probably will not get it - designing my home in ACNL is enough for me. Another thing that has put me off is that I would have to buy the reader to get to it to work on my 3ds.
I'll probably get it as well as tons of the cards as to support the devs... So they can make a better actual animal crossing game. The spinoff looks alright but I'm mainly doing it for the cards.
Probably. I will have to see more gameplay and see if its worth purchasing. I hope there is a way to purchase the cards for specific villagers and its not blind.
Meh, it depends on how fun the game is. I'm not getting it at launch. I don't know how much I'll enjoy just decorating houses. I'll have to see what the game is about.
Also the cost of the card reader and such will play a part in if I'll get it. Decorating houses on AC is fun, but IDK how much I'd enjoy a whole game of decorating.
Will I be getting it? Yes. It's a form of Animal Crossing?! It looks like it might be fun!
Parties inside the animal's houses?! Count me in!
But what are the details? It's coming out soon in the rest of the world, and we still know practically nothing?
I wonder if it will really come out in the US later in 2015 like the said it would.
I want more details. I want to know more!
It'll depend on how much it and the little amiibo reader add on thing will cost since I have a regular 3DS and no desire to upgrade. If they're both reasonable then probably, yeah. It looks interesting enough. If it's the cost of a full price game I'll probably pass.
I don't really understand what it is xD;; I'm just confused on the whole Amiibo thing or something I've seen being discussed on how it may be free download or cheap but useless with cards or whatnot. Is it not like a full/normal game like New Leaf...?
I'm pretty sure that I won't buy it. Spinoff games tend to not be that fun for a very long time anyways. When I first saw the gameplay, I must admit, I was pretty disappointed. I love the Animal Crossing series with a passion, however, I can't see myself playing this for more than an few hours without it feeling repetitive and boring.
I don't even understand how the mechanics of this game will work. Will there be a point system like the original Animal Crossing games and the HRA/HHA? If so, I wouldn't want to play it if I can only score maximum points from using matching series/sets. I just don't get how it could be much of a game unless somehow they structured it so that earning points took more though and design which is difficult to program.