Will you "choose" your villagers according to the theme of your city ?

Pate and Ketchup

Gemini of Noctifer
Feb 22, 2020
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Orange Bunny Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Hello ! I hope I've made no mistake in the title, it's so embarrassing otherwise !

If you're making a "dreamlist", could it change depending of the theme of your city ? (if you have a theme, of course). I explain myself : I'm going to create a mythological city with various parts representing the different regions (Egypt, Greece...). Thus, I need some "special" characters to fit to the theme (Ramses and Ankha for the egyptian one for example)

Will you do the same ? Modify your dreamlist if you have a strong theme requiring one species, one appearance, rather than another ?

I don't know if I'm really clear haha !

I'll made soon a complete list of possible villagers I should get to match my initial idea !

Have a nice day/evening/night !
I decided I will most likely just go for aesthetics and put those aesthetics into a fitting place within my islands story <3 : D my theme is essentially orient/fantasy and hopefully I can simply work my villagers into it like I did in NL : ) I'm definitely gonna look forward to thinking up each villagers essential role lol.
i'm thinking about picking more basic looking villagers, villagers like Maple and Goldie and such because I would like to make a more forest-y but not really forest-y type town. but i'm changing my mind on it every day because the colorful villagers appeal to me more. i think whatever i do i'll end up with Stitches because I just love him too much to not add him to my town, even if he doesn't fit with my theme.
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No. I want a village. Not a Disneyland themed amusement park.
Hello ! I hope I've made no mistake in the title, it's so embarrassing otherwise !

If you're making a "dreamlist", could it change depending of the theme of your city ? (if you have a theme, of course). I explain myself : I'm going to create a mythological city with various parts representing the different regions (Egypt, Greece...). Thus, I need some "special" characters to fit to the theme (Ramses and Ankha for the egyptian one for example)

Will you do the same ? Modify your dreamlist if you have a strong theme requiring one species, one appearance, rather than another ?

I don't know if I'm really clear haha !

I'll made soon a complete list of possible villagers I should get to match my initial idea !

Have a nice day/evening/night !

Love your theme idea, v unique. c: Are you gonna have Lucky? The mummy pup?

Personally, yes! but also a little no. I'm going for a Mexicana theme so tropical birds, Monkies, Big cats, Dogs. But if i get that little dorky grey cat he's mine.
Yep. It's based on John Wick's world and will be full of wolves, dogs, one cat and a horse.
I'm kind of doing it. I plan on having different areas on my island so I'd want specific villagers in specific locations! I have my top favourites and then villagers I've grown to love over the years (they're not my dreamies but I wouldn't be kicking them out of town ASAP). For example, one area will be where my perfect fruits and flower hybrids grow! I'll have a more rustic theme there so I'd want villagers that fit that theme for me. Those would be either Rosie, Apple, Beau, Bonbon, Caroline, Erik, Fauna, Lily, or Sylvana! I'd have 2 or 3 (depending on max villager limit) and another area with a different theme would have other villagers.

Of course, any faves I manage to get will live in an area close to me so that I can see them more often ^-^;
No. I want a village. Not a Disneyland themed amusement park.

I agree. Without being so blunt, I want to get to know my villagers on a personal level. Sure, I'll invite villagers I see in the campsite or mystery island tours if I think they look cool, but I'm not going to cycle for a specific set of 8-10 villagers based on aesthetics alone. I'm sure somewhere along the way there will be an "ugly" villager than I'll become friends with. It happened to me multiple times in New Leaf and I hope it happens again in New Horizons.

The only villager I will actively seek out is Goldie, but this in itself is based on past experience.
No. I want a village. Not a Disneyland themed amusement park.

Having a theme is fantastic. It's not Disney.

I wouldn't call my island based on the world of John Wick Disney.

I'll cover the place in blood spatter now we can have transparent designs.
My village will be inhabited by those that share a birthday or name with someone in my family (via Amiibos), and will be the following:

Jeremiah - my birthday
Merengue - wife's birthday
Molly - mom's name
Stitches - mom's birthday
Benedict - dad's birthday
Rizzo - son's birthday
Cyrano - son's birthday
Tammi - daughter's birthday
Tutu - daughter's birthday
Mott - best friend's birthday

I figure that's the only way I'm actually going to take an active interest in associating with my neighbors.
I’m going based off of a white/light grey/pink color scheme! That’s pretty much it.
No. I want a village. Not a Disneyland themed amusement park.

Agreed. Creativity should be punished.

I actually just want a little representation so i'm making it myself, Mr./Ms. silver mail box avatar width extension.
I'm trying not to be super picky this time around, but I am leaning towards more naturally colored villagers. Like Wolfgang, Fauna, Erik, Molly, Maple, etc. I don't necessarily have a full dreamy list, although I'd say there are 5 or so I really really want.
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I’d say I’m somewhere in between when it comes to having or not having a theme. Similarly, I might prefer some villager designs over others based on what I’m going for, but not to the point where it’s in any way restrictive.

I’d like my Island to be natural with some elements of whimsy, and there are a few villagers I already have in mind. However, I really want to stay open to all animals, even if they don’t “fit in” at first glance.
my island?s going to have 3 different themes and while my villagers have nothing to do with it, i do plan to put them in the area that matches them best (beau in the woody area, fuchsia in the more vibrant area, etc)
I don?t have dreamies because I would be upset if they moved away. Anyone is welcome to my town. Except Pedro.
Nah, I'm just gonna go with villagers I like. No theming necessary in regards to which ones I choose
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No theme here, nor am I choosing any specific dream villagers. Mostly I want villagers that are vibrantly colored, as my New Leaf town had very natural colored villagers mostly