Midochlorians are the power house of the force
Please don't void Benjamin
I'll take him in
Willow , It's kinda funny that you have Ankha as your avatar and shes in your town xD
Please don't void BenjaminI'll take him in
Have I already asked to be put on PM notification for Hamlet? If not, can you put me on? And, not for me, but I think you should take Maple off auto-void.
ZELL! <3
Is there a limit on how many PM notifications we can get? , I think Mooarya added me for Tangy but I'd love a PM for Zell
Thank you! :>
i am such a idiot
my glasses lense just fell out :c
and ikr? its cuute
well i've popped it in , isnt the same as it was but it'll work till my parents can call specsavers