Guess it depends if you want a Lazy or a Smug. Which personality do you prefer?
I'm trying to get someone to move out! It's futile, but I can try.
That's why I'm torn. D:
I don't care for the smug personality and love the lazy personality, but I just love how Zell looks. Arghhh.... Hard decisions. But I'll have to pass. I haven't had a lazy for a majority of my AC:NL life. :c
OK..I will let you know. I pm'd a couple other people so will give it some time. Poor Zell...I just love him! One of the few whose letters I actually like to get.
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Oh wow this is depressing.. On a Saturday too..
I could take Zell if noone else have him more as a dreamie. Trying to get back all my deers at the moment so.
Aw yay! For a moment there I thought he wasn't going to he adopted
Omigosh! Merengue is a dreamie of mine! May I have her?
Same as before, but unlike Zell, she's uber popular. XD So me holding me probably won't be needed.
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Like that.
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Thank you so much! I'll be right over!