Ahhh thank you so much!I added you!
Perfect, gates are open!
Ahhh thank you so much!I added you!
Thanks again! He is sooo cute!!![]()
Arya, can I get a notification for Stitches? I need to get out Julian in my town.
Oddly enough I was talking on another thread the other day about all the rules on ACC. I just found out they made a new rule that you can only hold auctions on ACC? Not multiple forums. Its... really stupid.
I noticed how slow the service board is. They should really be in the trading board. Or make a villager trading board just like belltree.
Well their "services" board is joke...but that's story for another day. LOL
Aww poor Dotty, she is so cute. I hope someone will adopt her.
They really are :/ I hate being in the services boardno one even goes there lol
Yeah it's a new rule. I think they're being overly strict :/ villagers should be on the trading board because that's the only place anyone ever goes. I was hoping they'd make a board solely for villagers but they never did. Oh well.
Oddly enough I was talking on another thread the other day about all the rules on ACC. I just found out they made a new rule that you can only hold auctions on ACC? Not multiple forums. Its... really stupid.
I noticed how slow the service board is. They should really be in the trading board. Or make a villager trading board just like belltree.
Yeah, I was wondering if they were ever make a villager board since the trading board's a nightmare. Definitely too strict. I understand why rules are in place in the first place, but they go overboard with them...![]()
/looks at date of thread
has it already been almost a month?
That's just...wow....unbelievable.
What's the saying? "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all"...I guess I shouldn't say anything more about that forum then. LOL
And Congrats to Sparkless!! Arya has crazy good villagers lately. Zucker, Octavian, Julian, and now Stitches! xD
Thanks! Haha Zucker is so cute and I'm super excited to have him in my town!
I will never let him leave. Ever.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Yeah I just started posting on this forum but I already like it better then ACC.
Everyone is so much nicer too.
Id love to take Static?
I made a felt plushie of him before~
Hes the best squirrel imo :')
Aw Sparro! Someone take him! I have him in my town and he's just adorable! :'(
Sorry, I felt a sense of loyalty to my friend. XD
EDIT: I know he's not in boxes yet, but I'm sad to see him on the void list.
STATIC! Awww had him in my GC town. One of my first favorites <3 No way hes gonna get voided I hope D:
I actually had a ton of squirrels in my old AC towns. Peanut was one of the first ones to show up XD
Thaaankyou c:
The Static Plushie I made before ^^ Just incase anyone wanted to see![]()
I know...I void a lot of cuties which stinks. Unless there is a demand for them it just takes time out of cycling to box them up.
I like most of the squirrels. I had four in one of my cycling towns once and they were all outside in a group bobbing their tails! Cutest thing ever!!
Thaaankyou c:
The Static Plushie I made before ^^ Just incase anyone wanted to see![]()