***WINNERS ANNOUNCED** 1,350 TBT Giveaway

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i'm feeling like a stalker you know i'm crazy that :lemon: amazing I dive in your lemonade
If you were getting TBT out of the posts or something I could see why you'd do it... But you're not...
[Movie starts with the 2004 Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies logos]
[the titles read "Paramount Pictures Presents", "A Nickelodeon Movies Production" and "in association with United Plankton Pictures"]
[Seagulls flying across they sky while the screen pans and the open credits start. We then see a pirate on a look-out post. He moves upwards to get a better look at something with his telescope. The screen then shows the view in the telescope of a pirate on a dinghy]
Pirate on the Dinghy: [with a trunk] I got it! I got it! I got it!
Look-out Post Pirate: [Squints] Dinghy ahoy. [He then looks down to tell someone something] Dinghy off the port bow. Dinghy off the port bow!
Two Pirates: Dinghy off the port bow. Dinghy off the port bow! [off-screen] Dinghy off the port bow!
One Pirate: Captain, dinghy off the... [He is slammed in the face by a door as the captain walks on deck]
Captain: Dinghy. [Lets the pirate in the dinghy onto the ship, along with the trunk]
Pirate Formerly on the Dinghy: I got it! I got it.
Captain: Where is it?
Pirate Formerly on the Dinghy: It's right here, captain.
Captain: [Opens the trunk] I never thought I'd see it with me own eye. Tickets to The SpongeBob Movie! [The pirates cheer and they sail to the movie theater, singing the SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song]
Pirates: ♪Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he? SpongeBob SquarePants. If nautical nonsense be something you wish? SpongeBob SquarePants. Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish? SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants. Sponge-Bob Square-Pants. SpongeBob SquarePants. Sponge-Bob Square-Pants. SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants. Sponge-Bob Square-Pants!♪ [The pirates hog the snack bar and get some popcorn. They rush into the theater room, where the movie starts]
French Narrator: [We start out on the familiar Bikini Atoll Island.] Ah,the sea. So mysterious, so beautiful. So... uhh... wet. [The camera submerges underwater until it stops in front of the Krusty Krab.] Our story begins in Bikini Bottom's popular undersea eatery, the Krusty Krab restaurant, where...
[The camera pans down into Bikini Bottom in front of the Krusty Krab]
Police: Back off! Back off! [waves arms to back off at reporters/citizens]
French Narrator: Hey, wait a minute. What is happening?
[The screen pans out to show the Krusty Krab is surrounded by cops.]
Mr. Krabs: Please settle down. [Referring to the Krusty Krab] We've got a situation in there. I'd rather not discuss 'till me manager gets here.
Female Fish: [Off-Screen] Look, there he is.
[A Black boat with orange flames drives up, SpongeBob's leg wearing a black boot with an orange snake on it in the shape of an "S" is out of the vehicle when it is stopped, SpongeBob climbs out of the limousine. He walks toward the Krusty Krab and blows a bubble]
SpongeBob: Talk to me, Krabs.
Mr. Krabs: Oh. It started out as a simple order: a Krabby Patty with cheese. When the customer took a bite, no cheese! [he cries, but SpongeBob slaps him]
SpongeBob: Get a hold of yourself, Eugene. I'm going in. [SpongeBob walks in and sees a fish, extremely nervous, looking at his Krabby Patty.] Take it easy, friend. I'm the manager of this establishment. [He puts a briefcase down on a table.] Everything's gonna be just fine.
Phil: I'm really scared here, man.
SpongeBob: [Opens the briefcase.] You got a name?
Phil: [Nervously] Phil.
SpongeBob: [Puts on gloves.] You got a family, Phil? [Phil chokes over his words, unable to speak. SpongeBob snaps.] Come on, Phil, stay with me. Let's hear about that family.
Phil: I got a wife and two beautiful children.
SpongeBob: [Puts on a headset from the briefcase.] That's what it's all about. I want you to do me a favor, Phil.
Phil: What?
SpongeBob: [SpongeBob picks a slice of cheese out from his briefcase with some tweezers.] Say "cheese". [SpongeBob dramatically and slowly attempts to put the cheese on the Krabby Patty. He then kicks the door open, Phil in his arms. The crowd gasps. The cheese on the Krabby Patty sparkles.] Order up.
All [But SpongeBob]: [Cheer and then lift SpongeBob up on their shoulders.] Three cheers for the manager! Hip! Hip![Honk!] Hip! Hip![Honk!] Hip! Hip! [HOOOONNNKKK!!!]
[Honk continues from dream, the screen now shows SpongeBob in his Pineapple home's bedroom. He turns off his honking foghorn alarm clock.]
SpongeBob: Hooray! Gary! I had that dream again! And it?s finally going to come true! [He runs over to his calendar.] Today! Sorry about this, calendar. [He tears off the calendar page for the day before to reveal "March 7". On the page, it has a picture of the Krusty Krab 2 with rainbows and hearts around it.] Because today is the grand-opening ceremony for The Krusty Krab 2, where Mr. Krabs will announce the new manager.
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: Who's it gonna be, Gary? Well, let's ask my wall of 374 consecutive employee-of-the-month awards. [Camera pulls up, revealing many "employee of the month" portraits]
SpongeBob E.O.T.M Awards: SpongeBob SquarePants!
SpongeBob: I'm ready. Promotion. [Goes into walk-in shower, Eats soap, Inserts a hose in his head, Puffs up until soap comes out, SpongeBob pulls out paper-like fabric, folds into his pants, back springs off, revealing his rear, brushes eyes with toothpaste, wipes off foam] Cleanliness is next to manager-liness. [Goes outside and runs around in circles] I'm ready. Promotion. I'm ready. Promotion.
[The scene is zooming to Squidward's house, and then cuts to Squidward in his bathroom]
Squidward: ♪La da dee, la da doo, la da dum, La da dee, la da doo, la da dum.♪
Squidward and SpongeBob: [In unision] ♪La da dee, la da doo, la da dum,La da d...♪
Squidward: Huh?
SpongeBob: ♪...ee, la da doo, la da dum, Bum Bum Bum, Da da da...♪
Squidward: [interrupts him, and covers himself] SpongeBob! What are you doing in here?
SpongeBob: I have to tell you something, Squidward.
Squidward: Whatever it is, can't it wait until we get to work?
SpongeBob: There's no shower at work.
Squidward: What do you want?
SpongeBob: I just wanted to say I'll be thanking you in my managerial acceptance speech today.
Squidward: Get out!! [Throws him out the window]
SpongeBob: Okay. see you at the ceremony. [Runs into Patrick, who comes out of his rock]
Patrick: That sounds like the manager of the new Krusty Krab 2.[Realizes that he doesn't have his trunks on] Oops. Hold on.[Rock closes, with Patrick on it. Then it opens again] Congratulations, buddy.
SpongeBob: Oh, thanks, Patrick. And tonight, after my big promotion, we're gonna party till we're purple.
SpongeBob: We're going to the place where all the action is.
Patrick: You don't mean...?
SpongeBob: Oh, I mean.
SpongeBob and Patrick: Goofy Goober's Ice Cream Party Boat!
[Rock closes up on them, and opens up a few seconds later. They now have Goofy Goober hats, and a record begins playing on a record player beside Patrick]
SpongeBob & Patrick: ♪Oh, I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah. You're a Goofy Goober, yeah. We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah. Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah!♪
SpongeBob: [Notices his watch] I'd better get going. I'm ready. Promotion. I'm ready. Promotion.
Patrick: Good luck, SpongeBob. Hey, look for me at the ceremony. I got a little surprise for you. I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah. [Bounces away]
[The scene cuts to a large crowd gathered in front of the Krusty Krab. Perch Perkins is on TV, reporting]
Perch Perkins: Hello, Bikini Bottom! Perch Perkins here, coming to you live from in front of The Krusty Krab restaurant, for years the only place to get a delicious and mouthwatering Krabby Patty. Until today, that is. That's right, folks. Longtime owner Mr. Krabs is opening a new restaurant called The Krusty Krab 2. First of all, congratulations, Mr. Krabs. [Krabs has a big grin on his face]
Mr. Krabs: Hello. I like money.
Perch Perkins: What inspired you to build a second Krusty Krab right next door to the original?
Mr. Krabs: Money. [Everyone laughs]
[Plankton is watching the entire scenario out the window of the Chum Bucket]
Plankton: Curses! It's not fair. Krabs is being interviewed by Perch Perkins, and I've never even had one customer! [the word "customer" is heard echoing in the kitchen. Plankton groans and moans while sweating]
Karen: Don't get worked up again, Plankton, I just mopped the floors.
Plankton: Oh, Karen, my computer wife, if only I could have managed to steal the secret to Krabs' success, the formula for the Krabby Patty. Then people would line up to eat at my restaurant. Lord knows I've tried. I've exhausted every evil plan in my filing cabinet...from A to Y.
Karen: A to Y?
Plankton: Yeah, A to Y. You know, the alphabet.
Karen: What about Z?
Plankton: Z?
Karen: Z. The letter after Y.
Plankton: [Searches through cabinet] W, X, Y, Z. Plan Z! Here it is, just like you said.
Karen: Oh, boy.
Plankton: [Suggestively] Oh! Oh! Ohhh! It's evil. It's diabolical. [Sniffs it] It's lemon-scented. This Plan Z can't possibly fail! [Goes outside] So enjoy today, Mr. Krabs, because by tomorrow, I'll have the formula. Then everyone will eat at the Chum Bucket, and I will rule the world! All hail Plankton. All hail Plank...! [SpongeBob runs by and accidentally steps on him]
SpongeBob: I'm ready,promotion... I'm ready,promotion...
Plankton: [While being stepped on by SpongeBob]Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
SpongeBob: Eww, I think I stepped in something.
[Tries to scrape Plankton off]
Plankton: Not in something, on someone, you twit!
SpongeBob: Oh. Sorry, Plankton. [Pulls him off his shoe] Are you on your way to the grand-opening ceremony?
Plankton: No, I am not on my way over to the grand-opening ceremony. I'm busy planning to rule the world!
SpongeBob: Well, good luck with that. [Runs off] I'm ready. Promotion. I'm ready. Promotion.
Plankton: Stupid kid.
[Later, Mr. Krabs is at a stand in front of the Krusty Krab 2. The crowd is still gathered there, seated]
Mr. Krabs: Welcome. Welcome, everyone, to the grand opening of The Krusty Krab 2.
Mrs. Puff: We paid $9 for this?
Sandy: I paid $10!
Mr. Krabs: Now, before we begin with the ribbon-cutting, I'd like to announce the name of our new manager.
SpongeBob: Yay! Yeah! Yeah! Now we're talking! Yeah!
Mr. Krabs: Yes. Well, anyway... The new manager is a loyal, hard-working employee.
SpongeBob [Thinking]: Yes.
Mr. Krabs: The obvious choice for the job.
SpongeBob [Thinking] : He's right.
Mr. Krabs: A name you all know. It starts with an S.
SpongeBob: [Thinking] That's me.
Mr. Krabs: Please welcome our new manager...Squidward Tentacles! [A banner falls with Squidward's face on it]
SpongeBob: Yes! Yeah! [Shaking Squidward's hand] Oh, better luck next time, buddy. Yeah! All right! [Grabs the microphone] People of Bikini Bottom, as the manager of...
Mr. Krabs: Uh, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: Hold the phone, folks, I'm getting an important news flash from Mr. Krabs. Go ahead, Mr. K. [Mr. Krabs whispers into his ear.] I'm making a complete what of myself? [Mr. Krabs whispers again] The most embarrassing thing you've ever seen? [Mr. Krabs whispers a third time] And now it's worse because I'm repeating everything you say into the microphone?
Mr. Krabs: Oh, for crying out loud, SpongeBob! You didn't get the job!
SpongeBob: What?
Mr. Krabs: You... did not... get... the job.
SpongeBob: But... But why?
Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, you're a great fry cook, but I gave the job to Squidward because being manager is a big responsibility. Well, let's face it, he's more... mature than you.
SpongeBob: I'm not... mature?
Mr. Krabs: Lad, I mean this in the nicest of ways, but there's a word for what you are, and that word is... now, let's see...
Lenny: Dork?
Mr. Krabs: No, wait, that's not right. Not a dork.
Pearl: A goofball?
Mr. Krabs: Closer, but no, no, no.
Fish: A ding-a-ling.
Jimmy: Wing nut.
Mable: A Knucklehead McSpazatron!
Mr. Krabs: OK, that's enough! Look, what I'm trying to say is, you're just a kid. And to be a manager, you have to be a man. Otherwise they'd call it "kid-ager. " You understand-ager? I mean, you understand?
SpongeBob: I guess so, Mr. Krabs.
Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob?
[SpongeBob walks away]
SpongeBob [depressed]: I'm ready. Depression. I'm ready. Depression.
Mr. Krabs: Poor kid.
[Patrick appears flying on a banner naked with a GO SpongeBob flag in his butt]
Patrick: Hooray for SpongeBob! Hooray for SpongeBob!
[Patrick accidentally hits the stage which sets on fire. Everyone except for Patrick runs away]
Patrick: Let's hear it for SpongeBob! Hello? Where'd everybody go? Did I miss something? Did you see my butt?
French Narrator: Later that evening...
[Later that evening, Plankton is traveling through the sky on his jetpack. He stops in front of a giant castle]
Plankton: Time to put Plan Z into effect. Starting at the undersea castle of King Neptune.
[Neptune is sitting in his throne by his daughter Mindy, who is sitting in another throne. Neptune hits the squire on the head with his trident]
Squire: Oh, right. The royal court is now in session. Bring the prisoner forward. [Guards do so]
Neptune: So, you have confessed to the crime of touching the king's crown?
Prisoner: Yes, but...
Neptune: But what?
Prisoner: But it's my job, Your Highness. I'm the royal crown polisher.
Neptune: Well, then I guess I can't execute you. Twenty years in the dungeon it is.
Mindy: Daddy! [Frees the crown polisher] You're free to go.
Crown Polisher: Bless you, Princess Mindy. [Walks away]
Neptune: Mindy, how dare you defy me?
Mindy: Why do you have to be so mean?
Neptune: I am the king. I must enforce the laws of the sea.
Mindy: Father, I wish you'd try a little love and compassion instead of these harsh punishments.
Presenter: That would be nice. [Neptune then hits him on the head]
Neptune: Squire, clear the room. I wish to speak to my daughter alone. [Everyone except Neptune and Mindy leave. Neptune then shows Mindy his crown] What is this, Mindy?
Mindy: Your crown?
Neptune: And what does this crown do?
Mindy: Covers your bald spot.
Neptune: It's not bald, it's... thinning. This crown does much more than cover a slightly receding hairline. No, this crown entitles the one who wears it to be in charge of the sea. One day, you will wear this crown.
Mindy: I'm gonna be bald?!
Neptune: Thinning! Anyway, the point is, you won't wear it until you learn how to rule with an iron fist. Like your father. [He puts what he thinks is his crown on. It is not a crown.]
Mindy: Dad, your "crown"...
Neptune: What the...? [Discovers that his crown is missing] My crown! Someone has stolen the royal crown!
Plankton: [We see him leaving the castle with the crown] I got it. I got it. [He flies past Goofy Goober's Ice Cream Party Boat, which we get a view of inside. The bar is filled with children eating ice cream. Suddenly, a Goofy Goober Clock speaks]
Goofy Goober Clock: Hey, all you Goobers, it's time to say howdy to your favorite undersea peanut, Goofy Goober.
Kids: Howdy, Goofy Goober!
Goofy Goober: Hey, fellow Goofy Goobers. Time to sing.
Goofy Goober: ♪Oh, I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah. You're a Goofy Goober, yeah. We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah.♪
Goofy Goober and Kids: ♪Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah!♪
[We then see SpongeBob crying at the Peanut Bar]
SpongeBob: All right. Get it together, old boy. I know. I'll just stop thinking about it. Hey, you know, I actually feel a little better. I don't even remember why I was sad.
[Patrick walks up to him]
Patrick: Hey, it's the new Krusty Krab 2 manager! [SpongeBob starts crying again] Wow, the pressure is already setting in.
SpongeBob: No, Pat, you don't understand. I didn't get the promotion.
Patrick: What? Why?
SpongeBob: Mr. Krabs thinks I'm a kid.
Patrick: What? That's insane.
SpongeBob: I know.
Patrick: Well, saying you're a kid, it's like saying I'm a kid. [Waiter walks up to him handing him a Goober Meal]
Waiter: Here's your Goober Meal, sir.
Patrick: I'm supposed to get a toy with this. [Waiter throws one at him] Thanks.
SpongeBob: I'm gonna head home, Pat. The celebration's off.
Patrick: Are you sure?
SpongeBob: Yeah. I'm not in a Goober mood. [he starts to walk away]
Patrick: Okay, see you.
Waiter: [hands Patrick a Triple Gooberberry Sunrise] And here's your Triple Gooberberry Sunrise, sir. [SpongeBob starts to walk back to Patrick]
Patrick: Yum!
SpongeBob: Triple Gooberberry Sunrise, huh? I guess I could use one of those.
Patrick: Now you're talking. Hey, waiter, we need another one over here.
Waiter: [Handing SpongeBob one] There you go.
SpongeBob: Ooh! [SpongeBob and Patrick gleefully eat rapidly and get ice cream on the waiter]
Both: Buuurrrp!
SpongeBob: Boy, Pat, that hit the spot. I'm feeling better already.
Patrick: Yeah.
SpongeBob: Waiter, let's get another round over here. [then the waiter gives them two more. They eat them and get more ice cream on the waiter] Oh, Mr. Waiter. Two more, please. [Then the waiter gives them two more]
Both: Whoo! [they eat the sundaes and get even more ice cream on the waiter]
SpongeBob: Waiter. [Then they eat two more. By this time, the waiter is covered in ice cream. We see Patrick finishing his ice cream] Oh, waiter. [singsong] Waiter. [slurring] Wai-toor. [yelling angrily and pounding on the table. The bowls are stacked sideways] Waiter!
Waiter: [puts a scoop of ice cream on a sundae] Why do I always get the nuts?
SpongeBob: [Up on stage holding a lollipop] All right, folks, this one goes out to my two bestest friends in the whole world: [We see Patrick and the Goofy Goober up on stage, too] Patrick and this big peanut guy. It's a little ditty called...
Both: "Waiter!"
[All three faint. The next morning, SpongeBob wakes up to find the waiter trying to get him up]
Waiter: [To SpongeBob] Hey. Hey, get up. Hey, come on, buddy. I wanna go home. Come on, pal.
SpongeBob: [After recovering] Oh, my head. [He looks drunk]
Waiter: Listen to me. It's 8 in the morning. Go scrape up your friend and get going.
SpongeBob: My friend? [Sees Patrick lying on the floor. He looks drunk, too] Patrick. Hey, what's up, buddy? [Then realizes something] Wait, you said 8:00. I'm late for work. Mr. Krabs is gonna be...[Disgustedly] Mr. Krabs.
[At the Krusty Krab 2, Mr. Krabs is pinning the manager pin on Squidward's shirt. Then he pulls up a telescope to him]
Mr. Krabs: Now, pay attention, Squidward. As new manager, you've gotta keep a sharp eye out for paying customers. [Looks through the telescope]
Squidward: Yawn.
Mr. Krabs: What's this? King Neptune is riding toward The Krusty Krab at lunchtime. He's got money.
[Outside, King Neptune gets out of his coach and closes the door on Mindy]
Neptune: Stay in the coach, daughter. [Gets out of the coach] This won't take long.
Mindy: Daddy, please. I think you're overreacting.
Neptune: Silence, Mindy. I know what I'm doing. [Turns around to leave, but bumps into a pole] Squire. [The Squire, who was with them in the coach, pops onto the scene]
Squire: Yes, Your Highness?
Neptune: Have this pole executed at once.
[Inside the Krusty Krab 2, Mr. Krabs is changing the price of the Krabby Patty]
Squidward: A hundred and one dollars for a Krabby Patty?
Mr. Krabs: With cheese, Mr. Squidward, with cheese.
[Neptune comes into the Krusty Krab]
Neptune: [To the customers] Greeting, subjects. I seek the one known as Eugene Krabs. May he present himself to me at once.
Mr. Krabs: I'm Eugene Krabs, Your Highness. Would you like to order something?
Neptune: [lightning flashes] Nay! I'm on to you, Krabs! You have stolen the royal crown, you cannot deny. For, clever as you are, you left one damning piece of evidence at the scene of the crime. [Holds up a piece of paper and shows it to Krabs]
Mr. Krabs: I stole your crown. Signed, Eugene Krabs?! [Eyes widen]
Neptune: Relinquish the royal crown to me at once.
Mr. Krabs: But... But this is crazy! I didn't do it.
The Phone: [Plankton begins impersonating Mr. Krabs' voice] Ahoy, this is Eugene Krabs. Leave a message.
Clay: [He impersonates another voice] Hi, Mr. Krabs. This is Clay, the guy you sold Neptune's crown to. Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks again for selling me the crown. Neptune's crown. I sold it to a guy in Shell City, and I just wanted to say thanks again for selling me the crown. Neptune's crown. Which is now in Shell City. Goodbye.
Mr. Krabs: Heh, heh. Don't you just hate wrong numbers?
Neptune: My crown is in the forbidden Shell City?! [Screams]
[Outside, we see that Plankton is behind it, holding the phone]
Plankton: Plan Z. I love Plan Z.
King Neptune: [Continues screaming] Prepare to burn, Krabs.
Mr. Krabs: Wait, Neptune. Please, I'm begging you, I ain't a crook. Ask anyone, they'll vouch for me.
King Neptune: Very well, then. Before I turn this conniving crustacean into fishmeal, who here has anything to say about Eugene Krabs?
SpongeBob: [SpongeBob is burping around and looking all drunk] I've got something to say about Mr. [burps] Krabs.
Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, me boy, you've come just in time. Please, tell King Neptune all about me.
SpongeBob: I have worked for Mr. Krabs for many years and always thought he was a great boss.
Mr. Krabs: You see? A great boss.
SpongeBob: [offscreen] I now realize that he's a great big jerk! I deserve that manager's job! But you didn't give it to me, because you say I'm a kid. Well, I am 100% man! And this man has got something to say to you. [blows a long raspberry] There, I think I made my point.
King Neptune: Anyone else? No? Well, then. [Fires at Mr. Krabs]
A couple paragraphs sure.. But I mean... Using 50,000 characters in one ridiculous post? :/
John Adams, Jr (August 14, 1906 – April 19, 1999) was an American lawyer and Republican politician and a member of the unicameral Nebraska Legislature. He was born in Columbia, South Carolina and lived in Omaha, Nebraska after 1923. He served in the last session of the Nebraska House of Representatives and was the only black member of the first session of the Nebraska unicameral in 1937 where he served until 1941. He was named by the Omaha World Herald as one of the Legislature's 16 most able members.[1] While a legislator, he introduced what became the states first public housing law and supported other welfare legislation.[1] He also served as an honorary sergeant at arms at the 1936 Republican National Convention and as a Judge Advocate at Camp Knight in Oakland, California during World War II.[1]

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