Heya! If you still want to come over and look at my houses you can ?ω?
(and sorry about being a bit late the past couple of days, the ants in my area just finished their nuptial flights and ive been trying to collect as many new queens as possible)
k :3 ill open up Foxton now ^-^ (once I load up Kitsune that is, but watch those gates :3)
Hey! I made some rooms on HHD and I shared two of my rooms in my town that may fit the theme. I didn't really know what kind of rooms you would like (bathroom/kitchen/etc.) so I just did what I thought looked good. My aesthetic is clutter as you can probably tell haha. If you have specific rooms or color themes or anything you definitely want I could try to do better if that'll put me closer to winning ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?) Hope you like them! (clicky)
this is cool! I've always wanted to design fairytale rooms and stuff but my current town theme will not allow that. I'll try to design the rooms this weekend.