Contest WINNERS ANNOUNCED ❤️ Win a Blue Rose ~ Blue Candies ~ 2 Mother’s Day Carnations

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See ... this is what I love about this forum! Creative, loving, encouraging friends in the gaming world/environment that I love best ❤️
Thanks for this lovely verse ... it may be cliched but not to me, and I really love it ... what tea is it?
I have been enjoying an organic spicy chai tea by Twining (but there is no poetry on the box - just on the tongue) :rolleyes:
what tea is it?
I have been enjoying an organic spicy chai tea by Twining (but there is no poetry on the box - just on the tongue) :rolleyes:

that's funny, i wanted to get twinings chai but my store was sold out.
so i went with this
I'm blue with you.

And also, I don't often starch clothes or other furniture items, but I sometimes do for shirts that need a bit of structure because they otherwise turn too crinkly. I gathered my two blue villagers with me and we took a picture! I'm having an ironing session this afternoon (it's raining outside, so indeed bad weather is perfect for chores) so I couldn't not take a picture for you! Sorry it's so blurry, the DS camera is not the very best.


Perhaps you could find a nice second hand DS you can play ACNL on again? You'd have to start the game over, but it could be fun..
I'm also hoping the Switch game will be great, and hopefully it won't be too long until it releases! You'll have lots of fun discovering it :)
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?I?m blue with you?

I don't have any og words of wisdom but I found a poem that may cheer you up :

Clear blue sky
Oh what a clear blue sky,
Watch out for that high,
The sun is shining at its peak,
There are so many wishful things to seek,
Because it is the start of a new day,
So, gear up and make your way,
Have a lovely day!
Thank you, Nougat and LiLd for your entries!

I have some exciting news! ... I followed some of the advice on some of the entries posted (more about that later) ... and long story short - I have purchased a Nintendo 3DS XL from eBay :rolleyes: ... it should arrive here next Thursday, 22nd hopefully
Meanwhile my friend has lent me her DS and the best part about this ... I was able to purchase one of my game cartridges back!!
It has my town HotDoggy with Mayor Lulubelle ... it?s not Tubetown, but I am back playing!
(I actually have an inquiry into our local ?Buy Sell and Swap? to the customer who bought one of my DSs and my game cartridge with Tubetown on it! ... please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me ... if I actually do recover it, there will be so much joyful shouting that everyone on the forum will hear me!!)
Pretty majorly excited here
Congratulations on the return :) I hope it all goes smoothly. Cheers!
Wow congrats Penifer! Good luck finding your old files!
Thank you, Nougat and LiLd for your entries!

I have some exciting news! ... I followed some of the advice on some of the entries posted (more about that later) ... and long story short - I have purchased a Nintendo 3DS XL from eBay :rolleyes: ... it should arrive here next Thursday, 22nd hopefully
Meanwhile my friend has lent me her DS and the best part about this ... I was able to purchase one of my game cartridges back!!
It has my town HotDoggy with Mayor Lulubelle ... it’s not Tubetown, but I am back playing!
(I actually have an inquiry into our local “Buy Sell and Swap” to the customer who bought one of my DSs and my game cartridge with Tubetown on it! ... please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me ... if I actually do recover it, there will be so much joyful shouting that everyone on the forum will hear me!!)
Pretty majorly excited here

Oh, that is so exciting to hear!! Glad you found one on eBay! It'll be there before you know it, and in the meanwhile you can start playing again on your old town and planning it out already! If you need anything for your town I can help with, let me know :)

Crossing my fingers for you that you get your Tubetown cartridge back!
Winners posted in OP
All prizes sent! ❤️
Thank you to everyone who entered and participated in my little contest, it really did make me less blue

Thanks Pennifer! What an excellent surprise to wake up to. Enjoy and have fun with your town :)
Awww, thank you so much, Pennifer. How very generous of you!

I'm glad you were able to get at least one of your towns back and are feeling less blue. Wishing you the best of luck with everything! :)
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Nougat, I hope I left this reopened long enough for you ❤️
Closing again with thanks to all participants ... see you at the next Contest ... (cake and icecream party, maybe?) :rolleyes:
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