Wow I'm jelly XD Like everyone else said, it's awesome you've gotten all the cards. It's so generous of you, I didn't think you were giving out ALL of these cards to one person. Well anyway, good luck to everyone who enters!

I would really love to have at least 5 cards other than my only one, Joan, but it seems you're giving away a whole hoard of them haha. But yes, I've checked all stores near me, and sadly they don't have any. Gaming is really dead where I live and the closest GameStop is 20 minutes away, in which they only got 5 packets at release. I wasn't able to nab any at all >_>

I'm a huge fan of animal crossing, and already plan to buy the Amiibo Festival Amiibo before they go out of stock. I'm not really picky with the series; all of the games are so cute. I've also heard that Amiibo festival utilizes the cards for gameplay as well and I don't have any cards at all.

My data was recently wiped during an SD Card transfer and I've had to restart all my games...but it's been just as fun restarting Happy Home Designer :) Once again, good luck to everyone. Whoever wins, enjoy the adorable cards CX
Congrats Pen!!!!!! Fantabulous accomplishment and awesome giveaway!!! I'm not entering as I have a full set, but I just wanted to stop in and say hi!!
Oh boy, I wouldn't want to take all of them, but I would take Timmy and Saharah, and here's why:
This isn't a sob story or anything, just the truth: I play ACHHD a lot while waiting for doctor's appointments. I like showing the kids that are there all the cool cards. They love them.
That's all. Not any great story or anything. But it's a simple happy thing that makes me just a little bit cheerier. :)

I would like to add to this that I gave literally EVERYONE who traded with me the wrong address (I just moved here). I think the packages have a good chance of still making it, but I'm worried out of my mind about it. I could use a few that for sure get sent to the right place. Hahaha.
Hey, everyone who posted ... I was just able to hop onto my hotel's wifi long enough to post ... ( I forgot to mention I am away for doctors appointments until Tuesday evening) I have read and loved and laughed at and appreciated all the messages ... Special thanks to DaCoSim and The Hidden Owl for sweet words ... ❀️❀️❀️ Oh, and you too, Funny Lars708 ❀️
I am considering each and every entry ... And will make a decision by Tuesday ... Will mail out cards on Wednesday Nov 11th :lemon:
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Oh wow, congrats man! Completing achievements like that really feels great. I remember finally collecting all of the generation 1 legendary pokemon cards as a kid felt soooo gooood! Now there's so many different generations of legendaries I have yet to try and collect recently, so I'm pretty behind. I've been pretty iffy on cash lately, so I can't afford to try and complete my collections just yet. But I would be grateful to have a hefty push to completing my animal crossing collection. :)
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Congrats!! :D

I am a whopping 2 cards away. Just waiting on the last round of my cards to arrive from trades, then I'll arrange the last few I need!

I will also be doing a giveaway once mine is complete as well! :D
Wow, I am so impressed that you finished your pack!

I have been playing Animal Crossing with my mother since I was in middle school. As I am now in grad school, it has been a while. My mother used to play the Gamecube version when she got home from chemo and the DS version as she sat waiting for her radiation sessions. It was something that has always connected us. She was having a really rough time right around the time HHD came out, so I bought it for her despite her being against my spending the money. I would love the cards to help complete her collection, which is getting closer and closer, but her birthday is in December and I want to gift it to her then.

If I win, I will send you an ADORABLE photo of my mother opening her Animal Crossing: New Leaf 3DS bundle, dressed in Animal Crossing themed clothing for our Animal Crossing party. It's pretty precious, but I'm pretty biased. For now, I will post a photo of me at the party.

View attachment 155559

Thanks for the opportunity!

Seriously, even though I want the Muffy card, you should win. Let her win!! I LOVE THAT PICTURE. I also love that you played AC with your mom, and that it helped her with her cancer treatment. I have two toddlers, and I plan on getting us a Wii U and playing video games together. Lots of people think they are bad and useless for kids, and I couldn't disagree more. I really want to see this video of your mom unpacking her 3DS :) Maybe email it to me? If that's not weird?
I'd like to enter too, if it's not too late!

The only cards in the group you're giving away that I have are Jitters and Roscoe, and if I get them, I'd give them to a friend who hasn't been able to buy any of the cards yet.
I really want Muffy, Annalisa, and Cyrano. Muffy and Annalisa are both dreamies I want for my New Leaf town, and I enjoyed having Cyrano when I was trying to get all the PWP. I'd love to be able to bring them all into Happy Home Designer!
I also want to complete my collection of cards. I don't have many right now...just the card that came with my game and what was in a single pack that I bought when the game was released.
I bought one of the card albums that was released in Europe to help me keep all of my cards organized, so I'd know which ones I still need. I can't wait to fill it up with every card!
Just bumping this thread one more time ... There is still time for more Entries!
I will be home this evening and close it then ... 6:00 pm PST my time.
All the entries are approved up to this point ... and along with the main prize, I am going to be giving some surprise awards also :lemon:
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I would love to enter because I would love to add these villagers to my town! As well as the cards to my collection! :D I feel bad because my entry isnt as long as others haha! But thanks for the giveaway none the less xD
Wow, you're incredibly kind! I would love to win these cards to complete my series 1 (I only need a couple more) Then to do the EXACT same thing you are doing by giving cards away to people who need them and maybe can't afford them. Lately, I've only been able to obtain cards by driving an hour+ away and it's really getting expensive D:

I also would love to distribute the 7-11 DLC free of charge to people without them necessarily having to send me a card first.

P.S Congratulations on finally getting 100 cards! It was probably a total pain in the butt for you, as it has been for me, but it's worth it when you finally have them all!! :)


Also, Here's a picture of my cat wearing a Punchy hat :)
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Oh I hope I made it! Thank you so much for holding this giveaway. I would like to enter because I have decided to start my own collection of cards. I currently have exactly 1 card lol which is Luna:) I live in Toronto, Ontario. I hope that this will help me get a little boost as I am so far behind. I hope to catch up with my friends so that they will want to trade with me, as I have been excluded until now.

Thanks and thanks again for reading my story,
This is incredibly generous! Thanks for holding this giveaway!
Anyways, i would really like to have the amiibo cards because i've been trying to complete the entire series. My family is currently struggling with money because of my health issues since my medical supplies are starting to get higher in price. My diabetes supplies and stuff on top of the food allergies (i have celiac, which means i can't eat gluten. Gluten is in pretty much 90% of all normal food, and special gluten free food can get pretty expensive.)that i have has really been taking a toll on our household because things have been getting expensive, so receiving 27 amiibo cards would definitely be pretty cool ( and it would save us a lot of money :p). it also doesnt help that i live with 4 other adults. It would definitely make my year lol. I first started playing animal crossing around the time i was 8, and that was when city folk first came out. My mom brought home accf and i looked at the cover and thought it would be really stupid lol. But when i started playing the game, i ended up liking it a lot! My mom and i would also play it together all the time. Sometimes id hand the controller to her so she could fish and pull weeds (for some reason she really liked to go around the town and pull up all the weeds lol). Animal crossing also kept me company a lot of the time. A few years ago my parents started fighting and ended up splitting, so i would just hop on my accf game whenever i felt a little down. I would play with my online friends and then i would brighten up and that made me all bright and happy :D
Hello Penniffer.... I am ricardo, i do not speak English very well, only a little. my Family is from mexico, i am loving playing the animal Crossing very much, is very good. i am just having enough dollars to buy the happy Home designer, but i am not being able to afford the cost very much of a mii. my parent was fighting all the days and my dad is moved to America for the job, he is not wanting to but he has to, i hear he is making very good money but not is able to send... ?my animal Crossing is the only thing left to know him by, thank you Penniffer!
How generous of you :) If this is still going on, I would like to try and win these for my wife.
Why? Because she does crazy, off the wall, random things for me all the time and I just want her to come home to something I put time and effort into trying to win for her. Because she appreciates me and even when I am being a little bit of a....well... not the best husband, she is still behind me 100%. I'm not sick, and we aren't flat broke but I know she would really appreciate it and would not believe that I went out of my way to write something nice for/about her :p

Congratulations on completing your deck, I don't collect them myself but I have been to gamestop/target/walmart a million times to buy them (always sold out) so I know they are hard to get!!
Thank you all so much for entering ... I always wish that everyone could win! But I had to choose just one grand prize winner ❀️
GRAND PRIZE WINNER - vanillanutmegchic !!! - CONGRATULATIONS wins the set of 27 listed in my op

SURPRISE GIFT - ONE UNOPENED PACK (6 Amiibo cards) - Jelly Ditto !!! ❀️

Penguin wins- Jitters, Biff and Diana
emolga wins - Bunnie, Cyrano, Puck
navi wins - Tutu, Midge, and Yuka
Panduhh - wins Lopez and Amelia
animal_hunter - wins Phil and Bill
Namstar - wins Phil
ReiraEvenstar - wins Muffy and Tortimer
DJStarStryker - wins Cyrano and Midge
Dozer - wins Amelia

As some of my trades come in, I may have more duplicates ... I would like to give these to some I have already traded with, so I will keep in touch.

Everyone who is listed as winners, please pm me your mailing address and I will get these cards out asap ... Looks like Thursday before the Post Office is open again ... I have placed all the cards in Ultra Pro soft sleeves and they will be protected in an Animal Crossing Amiibo Card package ... vanillanutmegchic, your cards are in a small photo album which I will package safely before mailing ❀️
Thanks again, everyone for entering and I hope all the cards arrive safely!!
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