Buying Wishlist items! (RV/DLC/Welcome Amiibo Update)


Oct 25, 2014
Red Rose
100% (19) +
So this weekend I'm going to be buying wishlist items.
I will be buying them for 500,000-2,000,000 IGB or 3-10 TBT (PER ITEM)
based on rarity/demand.
My wishlist is here:

Please fill out this form:
Villager name:
Town name:
Friend code:
Item(s) giving:
IGB/TBT desired:

we can negotiate on what I will be paying.
I may not get to you right away. I need sleep!
That is all

current trades:
pinklolipop34; ballet outfit; 5 tbt (requested edit)
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Villager Name: Krystal
Town Name: Leafdawn
Friend Code: Sidebar
Item(s) Giving: Ballet Outfit + Fi Mask
IGB/TBT Desired: 7 TBT?
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Villager name: Jake
Town name: Reset
Friend code: 0989-1716-8869
Item(s) giving: Fi Mask
IGB/TBT desired: 700,000 IGB, negotiable

edit: whelp, nevermind
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Villager name: Edwin
Town name: shaggi
Friend code:4940-5795-8089
Item(s) giving: donut box
IGB/TBT desired: 10tbt?
Yeah no prob. Didn't mean to insult with offer. Was unsure of the current rate
I can give you a blue ballet outfit and fortune #50 (for Fi Mask) for free, if you'd like.

Aw, did I miss you by one minute? ^o^;>
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When you're back online...
Peach's Parasol
Umm... maybe 5 tbt?
Villager name: Emma
Town name: Petunia
Friend code: 2895-9568-7862
Item(s) giving: Yarn basket
IGB/TBT desired: 5TBT? c:
Please note we only allow threads to be bumped once every 4 hours. Thanks!