Buying Wishlist Items!

  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. TBT Bells
Hey, I just got some stuff together that was in my bank that I can bring over. DM me dodo code!! Or you can pick up whichever.
Edit: not charging bc I am happy to get rid of this stuff!! I'm not using it and need room for SANRIO!!!! XDXDXD
That’s so kind of you!!! I’m not home ATM, will you be online later tonight?
Board Game (Kid's Game)
Cone (blue)
*Construction Sign (Construction Ahead)
2x Excercise Ball (Blue AND Gold)
Garbage Can
Pinball Machine (Blue)
Plastic Canister (Blue)
Plastic Pool (Polka Dots)
*Public Bench (Green)
Street Organ (Yellow)
Train Set (Summer)
I'd do 1 tbt each for the non Nook-Mile items and 2 TBT for the Nook-Mile ones.
I also have tons of black roses, orange roses, purple tulips, blue pansies, and blue hyacinths crowding my island if you want any of those for free.
Train set winter
Drinking fountain ivory
Garbage can
4 tbt