Shop Witch's Hideout 🎃 Buying DIY/Furniture/Halloween collectibles!

I need the iron and stone fence, bamboo fence, and medium Cardboard boxes
Hi! I'd like all your regular star fragments please, I also have 4 spiderwebs I can throw in and pay the rest in tbt but idk how much you'd price the webs at!

Edit- if im not online in like 30 mins assume i fell asleep and we can trade later LOL
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Hi! I'd like all your regular star fragments please, I also have 4 spiderwebs I can throw in and pay the rest in tbt but idk how much you'd price the webs at!

Edit- if im not online in like 30 mins assume i fell asleep and we can trade later LOL
Sorry for the late reply! I can just trade all the regular star for 4 spider webs! No need to add tbt! Lmk if you're up for the trade!
Sorry for the late reply! I can just trade all the regular star for 4 spider webs! No need to add tbt! Lmk if you're up for the trade!
Awesomeeee sounds good and yeah I'm still up!!! I have some friends over to get a Celeste diy, after they come i can send the dodo?
How many fish bait can I get for an australopith?