a.k.a. Tree Hugger
I love wonder trading! It is a great way to get pokemon to breed for perfect 5 IV ones. Already bred perfect Larvitars, now working on Kagaskhan.
I've offically quit wonder trading. Too many people are intentionally putting 'fakemons' onto the wonder trade to ruin people's games intentionally with.[as people have figured out how to edit their pokemon in X/Y, however they get detected when wonder traded, and the result is a game breaking bad egg for who ever is unlucky enough to receive one.]
So.. until Nintendo finally does something about the major problems, I'm done with all wifi stuff with people I don't know outside the internet. Don't know about you guys, but I'd rather not have my hard work ruined because of some fat ***** with nothing better to do than ruin somebodies game for them for a laugh.
Wait, I didn't know this, I won't use it again.
However, the last time I WT, I sent out a bunch of starter Fennekins/Squirtles and a baby Doduo or two for fun. Some level 1, some a little higher if I'd accidentally left them in my party whilst travelling about and battling. I got some good ones, including a Charmander I'd been holding out for, the ones I didn't want (not all bad, I just didn't want them!) I sent back into the WT-verse. I got back the weird shield and sword Pokemon that I'd sent back 2 moves before... Yeah, I just released it the second time it came back as I didn't want the same guy to get it back again!
yes, because wonder trade was only introduced in Gen 6...
I think the bad egg thing might be very rare to have actually happen[and I'm sure nintendo is working on a fix to prevent them from corrupting the entire game]
Edit:Oh yeah, Dizzi I did not expect to run into you in the Wonder Trade.
Make that two zubats. And that's probably what'll happen. Thankfully, I'll be exploring distant plants in Starbound by that time.