Shop ▲▼▲ WonderK's Banner and Wallpaper GFX Shop ▲▼▲

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Where does he get the time for that?

I just do.


And requesting...

Banner/Wallpaper: Banner
Style: Splater like always xd
Color: Come on, It's easy to know. xd
Text: Sayaka Maizono. Super Duper Highschool Pop Star! (Sayaka Maizono and Super Duper Highschool Pop Star in different fonts, please. )
Size: Well, the normal size
Other: I don't put stock, but please, choose an stock D: You know, she's a superr pop star so... And if you could add some blue tones like blue and white splatters would be cool. 3:​

Well, I'm going to do like the last time, I'm very tired D: So, probably you will accept :3 So now I send them
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I can say that when I saw WonderK has post... I was like OMG FINALLY MY BANNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER. Oh Wait. No problem take your time, but I?ve stalked that two days the thread DX
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