Shop ▲▼▲ WonderK's Banner and Wallpaper GFX Shop ▲▼▲

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I really feel really bad asking that, ugh, so, I'm definetely going to pay you for that.

Two things: Could you make the banner pink? If it's impossible I understand it

Could you change the Sayaka Maizono font to: Thanks.

And really, take your time, I feel bad cause I always ask you to make some changes or something >.< The next time I will say the things very good explained!
I really feel really bad asking that, ugh, so, I'm definetely going to pay you for that.

Two things: Could you make the banner pink? If it's impossible I understand it

Could you change the Sayaka Maizono font to: Thanks.

And really, take your time, I feel bad cause I always ask you to make some changes or something >.< The next time I will say the things very good explained!

I'll do the changes later today.

Render(s)/Stock(s): [X]
Style: Whatever
Color: Deep blues and aquamarines, lol
Text: BUMP and uh something romantic or japanese???
Size: 600 x 300
Other: <3 Take your time, don't over work yourself
@Lynn105: Accepted

@C a l l a w a y: 600x300 is considered a wallpaper (MAX for a banner is 715x250)
@C a l l a w a y: 600x300 is considered a wallpaper (MAX for a banner is 715x250)

Ahh I thought that was the size of your bump. .__. Um, whatever size you made my bump last time then, it was late and I'm a dumb dumb when it's late.
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