▲▼▲ WonderK's GFX Gallery ▲▼▲

If this is your attempt to make me blush, you're going to need to try harder than that.

No I was trying to be funny. xD

Hmmm, now you have issued a challenge. <3

I am honoured to say you are my friend.
I admired you from afar for a while; your amazing work and your cool personality had me in awe.
I finally stubbed up and decided to talk to you and I don't regret it.
I hope our friendship blooms to be something amazing.
You have inspired me to pull out my photoshop and not settle on my dismal photo editing skills
I learnt from photography but take it further.
To the next level.

Ah, I actually mean this hehe
You are a lot of fun to talk to, and I'm amazed you have done so much at your age.
Be proud of that.
... Blushing now.

idk why but ur username always makes me think of special k cereal??

pretty pro GFX stuff

keep it up & stay cool
@debinoresu: Heh. Yeah. My username does sound like that quite a bit. Thanks for the compliment.

@Shirohibiki: ....

I am still amazed by your photoshop skillzz
We need to make a TBT group shhhh
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