Took me about 10 minutes to find a suitable stock to use. Heh. Thanks.
Well, must've been worth it. It goes well with the render.
Took me about 10 minutes to find a suitable stock to use. Heh. Thanks.
Well, must've been worth it. It goes well with the render.
New stuff:
Requested by Axeler137
Requested by Jimin
Requested by Shirohibki
Requested by serenderpity
wtf i do that **** all the time omfg, IT HAPPESN WHEN U HAVE GlASSES ,
Preach it. It happens everytime for me, so I either have to do "the anime thing", or make the weirdest face possible to shove them back up with only my nose.WhyCantGirlsInRealLifeDoCuteStuffLikeThisIMeanWhatTheHeck.png
wtf i do that **** all the time omfg, IT HAPPESN WHEN U HAVE GlASSES ,
Marry me.
oh ok
I honestly thought it was gonna be embossed with Levi's reflection.
I honestly thought it was gonna be embossed with Levi's reflection.
Yeah. Nope. 1) I suck at creativity.C'mon Sparkanine! Let's think up of a couple name for them!!!
Hey now, you could've had his other man in the reflection of the ring.oh god its so gaudy
i do 8'D <3
Is that Sasha? What is this fanart?