▲▼▲ WonderK's GFX Gallery ▲▼▲

I just made it 5/5 ^_^


But yeah. I'm thinking about making a new style for my GFX shop. It'll be "typography". It's essentially what my new update graphic is, but on a smaller scale. What do you guys think?

But yeah. I'm thinking about making a new style for my GFX shop. It'll be "typography". It's essentially what my new update graphic is, but on a smaller scale. What do you guys think?

I really, really, like it. I love those kind of gfx.

When I saw my name, hehe

I really like it though! Ooh, it would look awesome as a shop banner - if you add it as an option I would totally buy one as a banner for when I re-vamp mine :) I've always loved how typography looks.
@London: Yeah. It would be available for banners, wallpapers, signatures, and avatars.

@Stepheroo: You've quoted something but I can't see it?