Not at the moment. Planning on working on something later today, though. Been busy all day.
@Shirohibki: Alright. Been looking at Toad's face for a while now. It's actually pretty damn hilarious.
@VillageDweller: Thank you. And yeah, used it in the title page graphic.
Pretty out of the blue, but I like how Shiro and I are the only regular commenters here.
Basing off of my experiences with my parrot, nope, nothing like him. Too quiet. Hes very scared of other birds. He also likes Shakira. So, nothing like a parrot. Sorry for getting off topic a bit. Back to critiquing!cause im a chatty cathy and never shut up
kind of like a parrot?
dog dragon parrot...........
@Shirohibki: Alright. Been looking at Toad's face for a while now. It's actually pretty damn hilarious.
@VillageDweller: Thank you. And yeah, used it in the title page graphic.
I finally tried doing this sort of thing.
I made an avatar and signature. ^-^ ( Although yours are amazing and better then mine )
It took me like 3 hours omg
If that's your first attempt, I applaud you. It looks pretty good. 3 1/2 hours? Wow. That's a long time. Hopefully through practice you'll lessen the amount of time it takes you to make a tag. The filters you used match the render quite a bit. SAO is an online game, so using the tile filter matches it quite well. Good job.
Ahaha, thank you. cx
I wasn't using photoshop, but an application that is quite similar. I'm going to practice so it gets easier. ^-^
What program were you using then? Gimp?
Acorn 4. It's for Macs.
Spent about 20 minutes on this tag. Testing out some new vector brushes I got.