Fooling around in PS while watching news.
That Girl From Shakugan No Shana?
Fooling around in PS while watching news.
Fooling around in PS while watching news.
Thank you. I'm going to be spending a lot more time on requests. Because of that, requests won't be completed as quickly and the renders need to be high quality. It's basically quality over quantity.
Will you still do livestreams?
This gives other GFX artists a chance to get some requests in their shops. I'll only deal with high end renders that deserve to have a lot of hardcore GFX done to them. Like I said. Quality over quantity.
How HD are we talking?
Like were the renders I chose for my wallpaper HD or like even more so than that?
Renders like that are fantastic. I enjoyed working with those.
Xerath? No. Too low quality. Poorly cut edges and all that. I'd deny a request if that was the provided render. And yes. I did use the background. It fit it better than all the other volcano stocks I found.
And yes, you can.
Oh gotcha. It's really a hit and miss with this type of thing. I personally like the background with the render so I mean it worked out.
I do like the Astronautilus section of the wallpaper and might ask you to just make that one you did in a different size for my Ipad. Maybe some other time...
But yeah, thanks. That will help a lot.